Storage Auctions

Lost money at the auction.

Offline Cobia

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Lost money at the auction.
« on: April 01, 2012, 05:10:52 PM »
Well this is probably one of our greatest fears and we don't talk about it too much but it happened at an auction recently, somebody dropped $700 on the ground. Not winning a unit makes for a bad day, loosing your bidding money makes for a really bad day,week,month,etc.

Helpful Tips:

Keep your hands out if your pockets!
Don't keep other things in your money pockets like cigarette, lighters, cell phones, sunglasses, etc.
Wear pants, shorts, with zippered or buttoned pockets.
For God sakes, don't wear old jeans or pants with holes in the pockets!
Spread your money around (for you high rollers out there) have some money in a couple different pockets and some back at the car/truck.
Don't pull your wad of money out to try and impress other auction goers as to "how deep your pockets are".
For the guys, consider a man purse, fanny pack, or backpack for carrying your dough.

Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2012, 06:16:06 PM »
That just stinks!  I am always cautious when carrying large quantities of cash and I'm one of the few women who refuses to carry a purse, so I have my cash (once) folded with a money clip that stays firmly planted DEEP in my right front pocket.  And that is all I carry in that pocket!

As far as pulling your money out to impress somebody~does anybody really do that?  I mean other than on Storage Wars?   ::)

Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2012, 06:21:53 PM »
Oh man rockin - I read "DEEP" and just had a mental image of that clip down in your bra.  Just couldn't help myself.  We have one lady at the auctions that carrier her cell phone on her chest (very well endowned lady).

Myself - I have a seperate wallet for my auction money and it stays buttoned up in my cargo pocket on front of the pants.  That way I feel it hit my knee as I walk, it's secure, and I don't carry anything else in that pocket.  So the only time I check the wallet is when I double-count my money before leaving house and when I'm paying.

That would really suck to loose $700.  If it was lost at the auction I'd of hope someone would turn it in.  As is - was prob a lookly loo that just got rich.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 07:30:58 AM »

As far as pulling your money out to impress somebody~does anybody really do that?  I mean other than on Storage Wars?   ::)

In the last year and a half I have seen it happen at least twice in pissing contests between bidders, both times I was left very UNimpressed! I wanted to say "Is that your lunch money?" but I was not involved in either pissing contest so I stayed out of it. In both cases I did feel kinda sorry for the guys that they thought they were really flashing BIG money. If you can hold all your bid money in ONE hand you aren't impressing me, cause I damn sure can't hold all the money I take in ONE hand! I'm kind of a sandbagger, I don't spend a lot on units, I don't buy a lot of units, especially recently, but when that one big time JACKPOT unit shows itself in clear view I'm able to strike and shock a lot of people.

(I know, I know, BIG talk for an anonymous guy on the internet!)  ;)

Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2012, 01:23:57 PM »
I always wondered why gangbangers would pass up robbing people that didnt buy units. I mean everyone has cash a lot of it.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2012, 02:36:37 PM »
I always wondered why gangbangers would pass up robbing people that didnt buy units. I mean everyone has cash a lot of it.

It wouldn't be a smart move around here. Our auctions have a higher guns per person ratio then a Clint Eastwood movie.  ;D

Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2012, 04:51:23 PM »
Could in la

Offline bwd111

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Re: Lost money at the auction.
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2012, 02:24:16 PM »
Hopefully the money dropped out of the pocket at home or in the car and it was found.

If the money dropped out at auction I would never be able to look at my fellow buyers again the same way. To think someone would keep the money instead of turning it in at the office is a difficult thing to accept, if that is what happened.

I know I would do my best to find the rightful owner if I found it…

Its only money they will print more.

Well I either saved money or lost none.

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