Storage Auctions

Manager's "special"

Offline MovieMan

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Manager's "special"
« on: January 03, 2014, 09:45:27 AM »
Oh, they're special all right !

For the few newbies out there who are reading here, a manager's special can be a number of things, one of which is a locker they fill with the leftovers that former tentants have left behind.  This can mean that yoiu might see a unit with nothing but mattresses in it, or you might see a locker that has the remnants of 3 or 4 different lockers, and it might even seem pretty good...until you get to the boxes of photographs from 4 families representing four different ethnic groups (and of course 4 different names) !

Should facilities announce a unit as being a “manager’s special” ?

Re: Manager's "special"
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2014, 10:06:43 AM »
I don't mind these lockers as long as they're a reputable facility. Even still, just bid on what I can see.

Re: Manager's "special"
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2014, 06:32:27 PM »
I'm with HomeGrown. I have purchased a few Managers units. They were not bad. You just have to bid on what you see.

I do think that whom ever is doing the auction should let the buyers know but that doesn't always happen. I am always wary when I get to an auction and there are more units than legal notices. Defiantly causes a red flag for me. It makes me look a lot closer at what is in a unit and how it is presented.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Manager's "special"
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2014, 07:52:05 PM »
. I have purchased a few Managers units. They were not bad. You just have to bid on what you see.

In my area they are bad...and they announce them (they don't want to hear complaints later). Subsequently they go for less money that they might. Of course most of them are so bad you can tell they are either the leftovers of the former tenants having ravaged the space or that managers put them together from multiple bad spaces into one.

I'm talking 5 complete mattress sets (with stains), ripped sofas, pictures with broken glass, dining chairs with torn rattan seats, etc, etc. You name it, it's bad and they sell for $5 to $25. Only the low-end buyers who can't even afford a $100 locker buy them...and sometimes the lockers don't even sell they are so bad.  ::)

Re: Manager's "special"
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2014, 04:43:41 PM »
I have seen those too, and I stay away from those type units in general.

However, I bought a manager's special for $30 last year. Had 12 bags of concrete, sold the lot for $40. A recliner which I sold for $30, an armoire I flipped for $50, an elliptical machine which I sold to Play It Again Sports for $75 and other misc. items which I probably made an extra $80-$100.

In all, it probably took me a week to sell through everything. Not bad for $30.

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