Storage Auctions

Do you think paydays have an effect on the prices units sell for?

Offline Travis

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Since a good portion of buyers have regular jobs, most of which get paid on the 1st & the 15th, do you think this has an effect at auctions on or slightly after paydays?

Re: Do you think paydays have an effect on the prices units sell for?
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2014, 08:59:06 PM »
i'd say not so much. Mainly because generally if someone is doing it part time like that they wont get teh locker if its any kind of decent. I went to $300 on a military locker, one that i would have gone 3x that. The only bidders there were new guys with no idea and running a budget. I actually did let them get 1 locker, and it wasnt a bad deal for him.

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Im sure thIS would effect all of us.

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