Storage Auctions

Not in lein auctions becoming more popular?

Offline bwd111

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Not in lein auctions becoming more popular?
« on: March 21, 2012, 06:50:06 PM »
Seems like 4 out of 7 units being auctioned are not in lein auctions? Do you see these poping up at every auction you attended? Its like a picked over units where 90% of the stuff is junk. At 4 bucks for a gallon of gas what a waste of time and money.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Not in lein auctions becoming more popular?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2012, 06:11:16 AM »
Seems like 4 out of 7 units being auctioned are not in lein auctions? Do you see these poping up at every auction you attended? Its like a picked over units where 90% of the stuff is junk. At 4 bucks for a gallon of gas what a waste of time and money.

Yes, these are quite popular and the norm in my area. That is why at most facilities a person is really taking a risk bidding more then they can see from the door. There is only really one company in my area that has a reputation of "guaranteed" lein units, as is, like the renter left it, and locks cut off in front of the crowd. Unfortunetly, everybody seems to know this reputation, even the newbies, so prices at this companies facilities are always the highest per unit.

Re: Not in lein auctions becoming more popular?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2012, 06:45:29 PM »
I always take a listing of the units listed in the paper.  I then compare it to the units that we see.  If you get a unit that isn't listed in the paper it is normally

1) a unit that someone has called and given-up (what they say)
2) a "company" unit - where they take all the trash, abandoned stuff from other units and put it all in one.

Both types of units you best bid on what you see.  There is even less of a chance of hidden treasure.  Unless you figure bills from 3 different families and pictures of a white family mixed in with 2 black famlies a treasure.

Or - you can get this (just saw it listed on website when was looking for auctions this saturday)

#37, last rented to unknown squatter, contents unknown

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