Storage Auctions

Good day at local live auction

Good day at local live auction
« on: June 13, 2011, 02:55:18 AM »
One of our local auciton houses has live auctions on Tuesday and Saturday.  Well, last Thursday they had a special auction for antiques and collectibles.  I think I did pretty good at it.

1.  Hank Aaron autographed baseball with stand - $15
2.  Ted Williams autographed baseball card - $15
3.  Ted Williams autographed picture - $15
4.  2 wooden asian lamps - $10
5.  wood calculator and pen set in wood case - $2.5
6.  Tiger Woods commemorative golf ball set in tin - $2.5
7.  Antique Uncle Sam Bank - $2.5
8.  1913-1915 Felt and Tarrant Comptrometer - $10

All three of the autographed baseball memorabilia came with a COA, but they are pretty much worthless when trying to sell.  The sports memorabilia dealer that consigned the items guaranteed them authentic, and said that if they are ever found to be non-authentic, they will give a full refund, no questions asked.

I plan to send all three items to PSA to get a real cert done.  The Hank Aaron will cost $30, and the two Ted Williams will cost $75 each.  I am unsure why the Williams cost so much, I will have to ask PSA about it.  Even with the high cost, it will be worth it.  The Williams card will be worth around $300, Williams picture will be worth about $150, and and the Hank Aaron baseball will be worth between $200 and $300.

Offline Travis

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Re: Good day at local live auction
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 10:08:02 PM »
Rollin, this thread is miscategorized. This section is for non storage auction related promotion of one's business or products - in other words spam. If you were trying to sell the sports memorabilia to members of the forum, this thread would be appropriate for this category, but, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think that was your intention.   

Re: Good day at local live auction
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 02:09:39 AM »
Rollin, this thread is miscategorized. This section is for non storage auction related promotion of one's business or products - in other words spam. If you were trying to sell the sports memorabilia to members of the forum, this thread would be appropriate for this category, but, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think that was your intention.   

You are correct.  Not trying to sell stuff, was just throwing it out as information.

I guess I should have posted it in the "dump".  Maybe if Drew sees this he will move it there.

Had a good day at our local swap meet~

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