Storage Auctions

Online Storage Auction Tips

Online Storage Auction Tips
« on: December 12, 2013, 11:20:00 AM »
Many of us buy lockers online using websites like StorageBattles and Virtual Storage Auctions.. I'd like to start a tip thread using these forms of storage auctions..

I'll start the contribution...

Get an auto refresh program! I downloaded a Chrome add on that will automatically refresh that tab every minute, 30 seconds, 10 seconds, even 5 seconds!

I use this set at 1 minute when I'm 15 minutes out. As it gets closer I creep up the refresh rate. When I'm within a minute, I refresh every 10 seconds. This way I know which bids are coming in..

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Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2013, 11:52:00 AM »
Once the auction has concluded, you won't be able to view it unless you have the URL or you have it on your watch list. This only matters if you're outbid and want to see how much the unit sold for.

Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2013, 12:11:56 PM »
This is true, but I like to keep a constant update on the locker up until it ends. When I first started with online bidding, I wouldn't refresh and put in a bid which I thought was good, but turns out the unit already surpassed that number because I didn't refresh. I was willing to go higher, but it was too late.

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Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2013, 12:54:27 PM »
I usually refresh about a minute before the auction ends. Then, I place my max bid about 12 seconds from the end time. This week, I had to change my strategy since I was bidding on 6 units, 5 of which were ending at the same time or minutes apart.  I entered my max bid for 3 units that ended at the same time about 15 minutes early. Won 2 out of 3. I didn't bid too high on the unit I lost because there was just too much stuff to process in a single day. The other 3 ended at 10:31, 10:32 and 10:49. I sniped all 3 in the last few seconds. Now I have to move 5 units tomorrow. Luckily 3 of the units are only 5X10. The other 2 are 10X10 and are located next door to each other. I have to go to 4 different facilities but luckily they are all within a 15 mile radius.

Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2013, 01:24:17 PM »
What I've inferred based on others bidding is that they only pay attention to the lockers they're interested in. Good for me, bad for them. I watch every locker expiring that day. I treat it like poker. I learn bidding techniques, styles of lockers that people like to bid on, etc. I bid on almost every locker, I usually only pick up the one that I like the most. But I give the impression that I'm a player on every one. Once that got me in trouble and I ended up with 4. HA!

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Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2013, 02:04:12 PM »
What I've inferred based on others bidding is that they only pay attention to the lockers they're interested in. Good for me, bad for them. I watch every locker expiring that day. I treat it like poker. I learn bidding techniques, styles of lockers that people like to bid on, etc. I bid on almost every locker, I usually only pick up the one that I like the most. But I give the impression that I'm a player on every one. Once that got me in trouble and I ended up with 4. HA!

Yep, different units appeal to different people. As resellers, we should buy anything we can make money on; however, as humans, it's easy to get attached. I agree, it is like a poker match, especially on days like today in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. There were around 100 units for sale. It takes a lot of time and research to make a day like today a success. I spent around 8 hours looking at all of the units. Narrowed it down to about 12 that had potential. Made a profit spreadsheet for all of them. Then whittled it down to the real money makers or units that had things in them that I wanted and knew I could get for free after selling the other items.

3 of the units I bought, I was emotionally attached to because they had items in them that I wanted for the house. (New king size mattress, super nice treadmill, elliptical cross trainer, dumbbells (yes, I'm trying to get in shape again),  walnut entertainment center, newer Bose surround sound, etc.) 

There are a few items I'm excited about. There is a small safe in one unit. Probably nothing there but you never know. Then there are 3 large sealed cardboard boxes that have steel support frames around them. The boxes say "1 piece 68 KG." Cant wait to see what's in them. I jokingly told my wife that I think they're 150 pound boxes of popcorn kernels. There is a commercial popcorn machine in the unit so that would make sense.

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Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 10:34:45 AM »
 I set my max bid and if price goes over then oh well. I refuse to play the cheap bid game its all or nothing then off to the next bid.

Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 07:36:54 PM »
Yep, different units appeal to different people. As resellers, we should buy anything we can make money on; however, as humans, it's easy to get attached. I agree, it is like a poker match, especially on days like today in the Dallas / Fort Worth area. There were around 100 units for sale. It takes a lot of time and research to make a day like today a success. I spent around 8 hours looking at all of the units. Narrowed it down to about 12 that had potential. Made a profit spreadsheet for all of them. Then whittled it down to the real money makers or units that had things in them that I wanted and knew I could get for free after selling the other items.

That was a crazy day for online storage auctions. The one unit I really got attached to and was willing to go high on got cancelled about 30 minutes before the end of it.  And to follow the poker analogy, I went on a little tilt and picked up four units for cheap.  Alls well that ends well though, I made money on all of them but still sad about the one that got away.  Travis it was the one with the shelving and computer monitors in the front.  I spotted something nice in the back.

Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 07:37:48 PM »
Another tip would be to save the images and use a good photo editor to blow them up.

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Re: Online Storage Auction Tips
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2013, 08:30:19 PM »
Another tip would be to save the images and use a good photo editor to blow them up.

Actually, on VSA you won't need to do that anymore. With the new zoom feature, you could read a business card taped to the back of the unit. Check it out. lick on the photos and you'll see the zoom controls on the right of the image.

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