I've partnered up off and on over the years and it can be good. But, one guy I partnered up with a couple of years ago soured me on partnerships for the most part. We bought a large, commercial type locker full of building materials from an out of business contractor.
Well, first off, when it came time to pay, he was a little "short". Okay, I kicked in the rest and we got to work. Well, he starts picking through it and grabbing stuff. "I want this and this and this...." on and on, grabbing key items and some tools that he wanted to keep personally. We get a bunch of stuff moved that first day, and when it's time to go back the next day, oops, he has to work! So I end up having to clean out most of the rest of the locker myself.
Okay, so now we have the locker cleaned out and it's time to sell stuff. "Uhhh, I don't have a camera that takes good pics", he tells me, "so you are going to have to take the pics and do the craigslist ads". Okay, so now I take the pics, run the ads, meet up with people to sell stuff, don't keep anything out of the locker for myself, while he keeps quite a few valuable items, and I paid for almost the entire locker in the first place. Hmmm, wtf do I have a partner for? I guess the only good thing about me doing the selling was I made sure I got my money back before he got any money!
I pretty much go it alone, with exceptions. Sometimes there is a really nice or really large locker that I would like to have, but goes for too much money or seems like too much work. It does soften the blow if you buy a thousand dollar locker that turns out to be crap, and you only lost 500 each instead of the full grand yourself. Just keep in mind though, if there turns out to be a 4k profit in that unit, you are only getting 2k instead of the full 4k!