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Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions

Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« on: June 30, 2012, 08:32:24 PM »
Hello everyone...

Port Saint Lucie Florida.

I have tried contacting my local public storage and can not get an answer from them. I just dont ever see them advertise or have auctions. That goes for many of the storage facilities in my area. Have to wonder what is going on. According to Florida law, they are supposed to give the tenant notice, they publish it in a local paper. I seem to be going to the same auctions over and over the past 3 years. I keep trying to call on some of them. Most say, maybe soon, give us your number.
I think it is falling back on the people running the site and they are keeping the lockers. Not that it is the worst profession in the world. But, I would guess most are drifter type. Moving from place to place over the years and pick up extra cash by what they find.

With all the talk on TV, and now this great forum. It is going to come to head sooner or later. No way can every site in the country be on the up and up. Then again, how do you catch them ?? And who would you report them too. I think  it needs looked into to at some point. I may have to do a little state of Florida research on the subject. There r just too many that never ever have an auction.

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Re: Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2012, 10:16:11 PM »
That happens every where I'm sure...I know it happens in Central Calfornia....BUT...NOT WITH PUBLIC STORAGE.

It happens here with mom and pop facilities.

As far as who to contact....try the national offices of Public Storage. Hard for me to imagine that the quantity of PS facilities you say are not having sales could go undetected by their bosses.

Here heads fly if any reports are wrong...it's all computerized...they know what units are available at every location in the country and they run them on their "1st month $1" specials...I got a 10x 30 at a PS auction recently and it JUST HAPPENED it was one of the specials for that month...Only $50 with insurance, lock, etc....couldn't pass it up and sold a lot of stuff directly from that locker rather than moving it. 

But hey, maybe Florida is a different animal.

Re: Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2012, 11:55:58 PM »
Our pss in ny changed where they post them to make them harder to find.  The easiest way to find them will be either storage treasures or storageunitauctionlist ... This one is $ per month. 

Re: Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2012, 11:06:19 AM »
Our pss in ny changed where they post them to make them harder to find.  The easiest way to find them will be either storage treasures or storageunitauctionlist ... This one is $ per month. 

public storage is changing how and where they advertise and auction rules month by month by month . Im told by a district manager they were having problems with many of the new people that were coming out. Your best bet is to go visit a local facility mid month and ask the manager when the next one is. I dont even bother looking for them in the paper anymore as they have been switching papers every month. Unless you have a direct phone # to one of the stores your not going to get much help over the phone either.

Re: Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2012, 11:18:53 PM »
The Public Storage district up here sends out an email every January that lists all the auctions in WA and part of OR for the entire year.  It's got a little calendar on it and it has all the storage facilities listed by their location code.  Pretty handy.  You can either enter all the dates in your phone or computer calendar, or keep a copy in your vehicle....I do all three!

You do have to go to one of the local Public Storage facilities and fill out a form to get on the email list.  Also, the property managers do usually keep a few extra copies so you can stop by around mid month and pick up a list.....they pretty much do their auction runs somewhere between the 21st and the end of the month.

Of course, the Public Storage district in your area could be totally different, depending on upper management!

Offline Alias300

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Re: Public Storage does not seem to be having auctions
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 12:08:23 PM »
reply #5 above by silliker is SPAM !

Spam.   And wrong.   I never bring a truck. 
Gas economy car to do all he driving between multiple auctions.  Then return with gas guzzling truck if I win.

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