Storage Auctions

Storage auction and Estate sale in one.

Storage auction and Estate sale in one.
« on: March 31, 2011, 02:39:53 PM »
Today i went to an auction at a place that only has 2 auctions per year.

This was a totally new experience for me, they had an auction of 2 units, but these units was wooden crates, and all the stuff was displayed. Really nice cool stuff. So far some of the best i have seen.  One went for 1150 and the other for 650.

Well when the auction was over, they had an estate sale, so we walked into another part of the building, again i have to say, TOP products, alot of old stuff, prices was a little high, but they could be talked down.

Well i did not win any of the auction units, but i found 5 nice pieces at the estate sale part of it, and i got these 5 pieces for 13 dollars.

When i came home i got a shock when i started checking out value on things, one thing can in fact be priceless, if this it the real deal.

I got  one scooter carburator, looks like it did when it was made back in the day. It is for a Cushman scooter. This thing is valued around 175 dollars.

I got a silverplate gravy spoon and that is worth about 35 dollars.

I also got some other silver stuff that are valued around 200 dollars.

But the main thing is that i got a special old old old milk cup or something. It has the name britling cafeteria stamped on the bottom, britling was only to be found in Memphis,TN and Birmingham,Al. If the note that was inside it is correct then this is big. I have to get it verified and checked out.  I can say so much, Elvis Presley's mom worked most of her life for Britling, and there is a huge thing about it displayed at Graceland. Well the note i found inside it had her signature, annd some other text in it.

They also had several desks there with alot of old papers in it, they are sending me those papers for free, damn i can't wait.

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