Storage Auctions

Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.

Offline Travis

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You should read your states Property Code carefully. Most property codes have a loophole for smaller rural communities that don't have a major newspaper in town. The loophole will allow the facility to post a public notice at their facility and five other conspicuous public locations in the immediate area. This is why actually calls all of the storage facilities in our area instead of just scouring public notices in newspapers. 

In Texas, a bill has been submitted which aims to allow storage facilities to place their public notices on a publicly available, storage auction related website. Hopefully this change will go into effect January 1st, 2012

I am not exactly sure what other states have passed this law but I have heard that there is at least 1 or 2.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2011, 08:59:09 AM »
Could you post a comment sometime WITHOUT putting in the link to your Houston based business?

Thank you.

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2011, 12:14:50 PM »
Sorry about that...LOL, I was wondering when someone was going to call me out. All kidding aside, I use my business, (here I go again!) Auctions Texas  as an example in a lot of the topics that I write about. Not that I don't appreciate the links, I do. It's not my intention to spam and I hope it doesn't come across that way. When I write about certain subjects, I like the reader to know where I am coming from, especially since a lot of the topics that I contribute on could only be explained by telling the reader how I got the information. Some facts could only be provided by someone who operates a storage auction information website.

Not all my posts have a link in them....... some have two or three. LOL   

Seriously though, I will try to leave the URL's out whenever possible.

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2011, 12:22:57 PM »
Not all my posts have a link in them....... some have two or three. LOL  

Seriously though, I will try to leave the URL's out whenever possible.

As of this posting (mine) you have made 27 posts. Six of them do not have your link in them. Those six are in threads started by someone else. (that is commendable).

To be fair to you, I also found an other 4 or so that did not have the link, but they were in threads you had started, so it would have been double or triple spam if you HAD included them there.

Since I can't seem to wrestle any lockers from the thundering herds of newbies and regulars over-paying, I have plenty of time to come on here and research .... and count, so watch those spams !

Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 12:26:46 PM »
Here is the problem, how i see it.

Everyone who have a listing services do this to prey on the weak, the new and the lazy.
This because the "oldtimers" and people like me know where to find this infomation, and we are willing to spend 10 min a week to find it out.

Spending 100-200 dollars a year, and yeah i have even seen a listing company charge 499.00 a year. Is not something i recommend anyone. if you want to be in the business, you have to do the legwork. Since it is a business driven with possible loss/profits, it is very importent to keep the cost down.

I have been to auctions that have only been made public in a tiny newspaper in a town with 2000 residents, and 75 people showed up for auction. I have also been to auctions in the middle of Memphis, where the greater Memphis area is about 1.2 mill people and only 6 showed up for auction. Yes this year (after all the tv shows)

Another thing is, if you and other manage to attract customers to all the small venues and auctions, then they are gonna be just as crowded as everyone else. So the point is then gone.

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 12:42:33 PM »

Seriously though, I will try to leave the URL's out whenever possible.

This statement was made by you at 10:14 which was not too many minutes after YOU STARTED a new thread at 9:54 which had as its central component a message from you about your service in Houston.

Here's a thread for you to look at, and maybe you would like to contribute to it, but be sure NOT to put your link in it...that would be BEYOND bad form.

Edit: that would include your link in your signature area !

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2011, 01:13:58 PM »
I agree, Mr. Anderson, the number of buyers in attendance is unpredictable. But, if you were attending 40 auctions per month that few others knew about, it would definitely increase your odds. I also agree that most of the other sites out there (especially the national ones) are reselling information you can easily get for free. I disagree with that the statement that the people that are seeking this information are new, weak & lazy. I can't speak for all storage auction information websites but ours provides quality information that is unavailable on any other website. We provide a service that is for newbies & old timers alike.

Once again, because there are variations in population & the number of facilities in in each city, it is hard to say that something that works well in one city will work as well in another.

 Movieman said, "Since I can't seem to wrestle any lockers from the thundering herds of newbies and regulars over-paying, I have plenty of time to come on here".  Perhaps if he lived in the Houston area and was a member of our website, he could avoid the crowded auctions and spend more time making money.

Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2011, 01:21:10 PM »
I understand you thought and why you offer these sevices.

But you are forgetting one very importent thing.

For us who have been doing this for 3, 5, 10,15 and 20 years, we know about every little storage place that is. We know about the big national chains and the bigger independent ones, but we also know about the small mom and pap places that maybe have 1-4 auctions a year.  The only ones who don't know about these places are the newbies.  So by you giving this infrmation to the newbies, you are not helping the "oldtimers" or "veterans" at all. What you are doing is just making the problem we allready have bigger.

You state on your website that this is to help the ones who has been in the business and now are struggeling because of the tv show. Well we know these places and so far they are our little secret where we can get lockers for "normal" prices. Your services will not help at all, you will drag all the newbies over to the less known auctions.  So i don't buy your "kindness of my heart" phrases or way of thinking.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2011, 01:26:50 PM »
Movieman said, "Since I can't seem to wrestle any lockers from the thundering herds of newbies and regulars over-paying, I have plenty of time to come on here".  Perhaps if he lived in the Houston area and was a member of our website, he could avoid the crowded auctions and spend more time making money.

Perhaps, and perhaps I could win the lottery...if I only had 5 more correct numbers.

Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2011, 01:32:35 PM »
Hey Tclane, I think you should be paying for all this "free" advertising of your service on here. Become a sponser LOLOLOL

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2011, 01:40:36 PM »
After seeing the Houston link come up untold numbers of times I decided to look at it even though I live in California.

Some interesting and some straightforward info there, but of course some self-serving info too.

My favorite part though is this:

It's a picture of a crowd at what I assume is an auction in the greater Houston and surrounding area.
It will be up to readers here to decide if that is a SMALL, MEDIUM or LARGE crowd.

Now maybe if it had a cutline under it that said...."avoid crowds like this" I would have found it more legit, didn't.

Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #11 on: March 16, 2011, 01:51:34 PM »
Well I hope all auctions are not that crowded

Offline Travis

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »
No, that picture is actually of a very large "Saturday Auction", (one month after the storage shows premiered) I think there was almost a hundred people there. Good point though, I will look into finding another photo. At least I'm being "post storage auction reality show realistic" and not sugar coating my images.

Have you seen the storage auction information services that have photos of treasure chests full of gold, stacks of cash and shiny European automobiles?

Mr Anderson...once again, every city is different. You may know where every facility is in your area of Memphis
but imagine if you expanded Memphis 8 times in area. Do you still think you could keep track of all of the smaller independent facilities? Chances are though, no matter how good the newspapers are in your area, some auctions are still falling through the cracks.

Well, I'll talk to you'll tomorrow, I have storage facilities to call. It's been entertaining!

Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2011, 12:13:35 AM »
regardless of all the link dropping....I think lane is the only person on this forum from Houston...haha

I guess there are allot of lurkers who don;t register or post but still ...being that this forum is new.....15 links to anything will probably not even help in the backlinks department on google, let alone generate massive subscription sales.

In my opinion, if your going to call 1,400 storage facilities a would make allot more money just using the information yourself and going to the least known of the auctions and buying lockers to resell....

Oh...By the way...I own   and I strongly suggest that all of you buy all of your event tickets there....MLB, March Madness, Concerts, Theater, Kentucky name it  LMAO


Offline Travis

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Re: Storage auctions that don't have to be advertised in a newspaper.
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2011, 05:02:54 AM »
Nice clean website. If I ever need Kentucky Derby tickets, I now know where to go. LOL
I like your logo, very creative.

Calling or checking newspaper/online for auctions

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What percentage of storage units advertised for auction actually get sold?

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Great article my newspaper did on the storage auction bussiness

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What do you think the average number of units advertised per legal notice is?

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