Storage Auctions

Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2013, 10:48:53 AM »
I'd love to be at the table as an observer.

Better yet, drop the ob and you could just be the server! :P

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #31 on: August 03, 2013, 09:52:12 PM »
I was wondering, what is the source you are using for this data? Maybe a URL...


I'm using Quirk SearchStatus 1.46. It's an SEO tool that displays Alexa rank, PageRank, mozRank, Compete Rank along with keyword density, keyword/nofollow highlighting, backward/related links, canonical links, WHOIS, etc.

Update: after this topic was started, Storage Battles made all of their ranking and traffic information private.  :D


Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2013, 09:10:18 PM »
The following chart displays the top 10 most visited storage auction websites as of 05/14/13. They are in order of their U.S. traffic rank. This is solely based on traffic on not the size or amount of content each site contains.  Sites like AuctionZip and Cubesmart were excluded since storage auctions are not their primary business and because it would be impossible to determine how much traffic they actually receive from their storage auction related content.

I like that report.  :-*

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #33 on: August 16, 2013, 07:51:50 AM »
The numbers on this report are still fairly accurate; however, Virtual Storage Auction has seen some improvement. It has now taken the 2nd spot (bumping this forum to third) coming in at 44,831 for it's U.S. traffic rank. It's global rank is now 343,202.

Not too shabby for a 6 month old start-up.   ;)

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2013, 09:51:47 AM »

Given time, VSA will grow and it will be a true player in the online storage auction environment. I have no doubt about that fact!

I don't know about all the SEO stuff as I have no need too as I am not trying to grow a business on the internet, but I do feel  that having  multiple "test" auctions is yes, more, no. Again just an opinion.

If it's going to grow, it will grow and one has to try things, but in the long run it is the buying public (us) who will determine if any of these virtual auctions will succeed. Personally I don't think they will succeed...I have real doubts about that. Hey Steve Jobs had failures too...very few people on this forum will even know about his "Next" computer or the "Lisa" but they preceeded any iPad, iPhone, etc. 

On the other side of the coin....Thomas Edison is famously quoted (and perhaps misquoted) as saying when asked about 2,000 failures until finally inventing the light bulb...."I didn't fail. I found 2,000 ways NOT to invent the light bulb."

Edison, Jobs, ....... ?

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #35 on: August 16, 2013, 10:27:35 AM »
The Test Auctions on VSA are needed for two reasons. 1. Because the image slider at the top of the home page needs them to operate properly. 2. For demonstration purposes.

The traffic has very little to do with the test auctions or the auctions in general. The articles on the blog are bringing most of the traffic.

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2013, 09:39:54 AM »
So, what I understand you’re sayin’ is, “VSA is a great content site like the other storage auctions sites you are running however, it fails to provide the auction services that is was designed for”.

That can’t be correct, right?

Because, if that is correct, being listed so high on the SEO chart is actually a misnomer because it is being listed there because of reasons that it was not designed to be listed there for.

No, somehow that doesn’t sound right.

Please advise…

Well, that shows how little you understand SEO and the way Google ranks websites. Google wants to deliver great sites in their search results. Google encourages webmasters to develop great content. Not only that, great content attracts natural links.

Now, as to your comment "it fails to provide the auction services that is was designed for."

VSA is only 6 months old. Storage Battles has a 2 year head start and they bought out their competitor and assumed a majority of their clients. That competitor (Sealed Online Bids) had a 18 month head start on them. Truth is, Storage Battles has less than 50 storage companies that use their site on a regular basis. Not only that, a majority of their auctions come from 3 companies (One of which is about to switch to Virtual Storage Auction after we make some custom changes to our site for them.)

Sure, we only have a few storage facilities that are currently using the service but I don't see how "it fails to provide the auction services that is was designed for." It takes time to attract storage facilities to online storage auctions. It took Sealed Online Bids several months to attract a following, why would it be any different for us?

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2013, 09:26:27 AM »
One measure I would be interested in seeing is the percentage of storage facilites that currently use ANY online auction sale technique as opposed to the ten's of thousands who somehow see the "old" (read "tried and true") technique of having a live body talk to other live bodies about buying a unit.

The following figures are hypothetical but may give an idea of the "impact" online storage auctions currently make on the rest of us who go to auctions....whether frequently or infrequently.

Remember, the figures used in the spreadsheet above are hypothetical; they use the appx # of storage facilities in the USA (according to the SSA), an easily identifiable number like 1,000 or 100 (or 4) for a number of auction listings on any of the current online auction sources and a simple math equation to show what the percentage of those auctions are as a relationship to the number of facilities available to have auctions one way or the other.

The spreadsheet above does NOT represent the fact that not all facilities even have auctions, etc. It does not have anything to do with "SEO" (search engine optimization) etc. It is simply my assesment of the potential of the business...or possibly the LACK of potential based on what I reasonably believe is the current state of the industry.

Offline bwd111

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #38 on: August 22, 2013, 09:59:08 AM »
This is really the only storage auction website I visit these days.
The storage battles website for my state seems only to be selling private storage units for those that cant seem to sell there stuff, which is great! Keep the live auctions live and just sell the private lockers.

Offline Travis

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Re: Top 10 Most Visted Storage Auction Websites
« Reply #39 on: September 10, 2013, 01:35:24 PM »
Here are the current Alexa ranks for the top 10 storage auction websites. Looks like there has been some movement with several of the sites. Another few months and I think & this forum will surpass Storage Treasures.

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