Storage Auctions

What do you do with “b*ngs” and other dr*g gear you find in lockers?

Offline MovieMan

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There are some very colorful ones (small, swirled colors in glass) which I use in "artsy" items I create, other than that it just goes in the trash.

I have seen buyers get lockers with plastic gargabe backs full of unprocessed m*rijuana; best bet on those seems to be to call the cops. Transporting something like that could be a disaster if you got stopped for a broken tail-light.


Offline Cobia

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There are some very colorful ones (small, swirled colors in glass) which I use in "artsy" items I create, other than that it just goes in the trash.

I have seen buyers get lockers with plastic gargabe backs full of unprocessed marijuana; best bet on those seems to be to call the cops. Transporting something like that could be a disaster if you got stopped for a broken tail-light.


Why would I call the cops because some nut-job put yard clippings in a trash bag and put it in his storage locker?
 I don't work for CSI/New York-Miami-Las Angeles-Las Vegas-Omaha, Nebraska; so I don't assume I know the chemical/pharmacological identity of any strange products found.

It just all goes in the garbage.  :)

I donate them to the local church.

Offline Travis

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I would donate it to family.  :D  Come on now, everyone has a friend or family member that uses it.

I,m sorry I had bibles on my mind, was a little smoky when I commented ....

Offline Travis

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I,m sorry I had bibles on my mind, was a little smoky when I commented ....

I would imagine so. You used a comma instead of an apostrophe in the word "I'm."

Offline Leota

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I would donate it to family.  :D  Come on now, everyone has a friend or family member that uses it.
I think I would also. When we moved back to California, we found that 3/4 of our family members have Medical MJ Cards. I guess they are all very sick and in pain and really could use the stuff.   :-)

Other then some MJ seeds and unit smelling like it I've never gotten any illegal drugs so far (knock on wood).  Now - prescription drugs....if it was legal to re-sale those I'd of made a mint a few times now.  Sucks to toss out ashtma medicine that can cost $5 to $250 in the trash.  Just not worth the liability to give it away, and illegal to sale it.

I have a couple of customers that love pipes. I have only found a couple of them but have sold them fast. Bongs went in the trash. The only MJ I have found was so brown it had no smell left. No other illegal drugs in any units I have bought.

We went to a sale a couple of months ago and when the owner opened the door for the hallway to a unit for sale the skunk smell was overpowering. He had no clue what could be causing the smell. I told him to call the Sheriff and have them bring the dog out for a training session. Haven't been back and am wondering if he did and what they might have found. LOL Boy are there some clueless people out there.

Offline Travis

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Other then some MJ seeds and unit smelling like it I've never gotten any illegal drugs so far (knock on wood).

I bought a unit owned by a Harris County Sheriff. I found MJ seeds and (see below)

Offline Cobia

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Other then some MJ seeds and unit smelling like it I've never gotten any illegal drugs so far (knock on wood).  Now - prescription drugs....if it was legal to re-sale those I'd of made a mint a few times now.  Sucks to toss out ashtma medicine that can cost $5 to $250 in the trash.  Just not worth the liability to give it away, and illegal to sale it.

BIGGEST understatement of the storage auction business environment!!

I donate them to the local church.

Sounds like a church I'd want to attend. Bet everyone falls asleep.

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