Storage Auctions

What is the ONE item if seen in a unit that will drive the price beyond reason?

Offline Cobia

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We've probably covered this topic in one way or another over the years but I thought I would just try to keep the conversations fresh.  :)

What is the ONE item that if seen from the door will drive the price of a storage unit beyond what is reasonable based on what else is in the unit? Here are my top three.

1. Rolling tool box
2. Small firebox (fireproof document case)
3. Fishing pole(s)

1. Power Tool Cases
2. Musical Instrument Cases
3. Gaming Boxes (xbox, Playstation, etc.)

People are so stupid sometimes.. They bid on the box, not on the actual items visible.. I've never found an Xbox in it's box..

Offline alloro

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Here's just a few:

- Jewelry box
- Bullets/ Firearms cases
- Safes

Offline Travis

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Lot's of new items in boxes. Ex: Store inventories
ATVs, motorcycles, personal watercraft
Military cases & surplus
Professionally wrapped furniture
Lots of boxes (neatly organized)

Tools... Why are you guys willing to spend so much for a chance at crap tools?

Safes... The last one the guy paid $60.00 to have it opened only to find several prescription bottles in it.

Boxes... I still haven't figured out why box units go for so much in my area. I really want to see something else besides just boxes.

Offline dbr831

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Anything that says Harley Davidson
Anything that says Snap On

Offline rulesforrebels

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cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, safes, large tool boxes

Offline AudreyGreenwood

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It really depends on the individual. Some people are risk takers. Hence, when they see something mysterious like safes or even packing boxes, they would most likely think there would probably be expensive things inside. Other people on the other hand, do not like to take the gamble and would prefer to bid on something that is visible from the outside instead. For me, I would say it is the automobiles or electronics that would drive the price up.

Average per item selling price on eBay

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How do YOU scan price a unit?

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Last post January 13, 2014, 12:44:21 PM
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check out this cool item i found in the last unit

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