Now - if you have that one special record in good+ conditon you can be talking 10, 20, even $50 for that one. But they are rare.
About 7 years ago I got a nice hope chest in a locker and the one thing I remember from it was a boxed set of Beatles records. It was in a dark blue "sleeve" of about 4 to 6 records and as I recall they were pressed in England. I took this set to the guy I mentioned in the post I made above. He actually had one in a glass case at his store and he gave me advice on how to sell it on eBay. He wasn't going to buy it from me as he already had one and I gathered he had it for awhile already.
I listed it on eBay and it went for $85 I think. That was the only big record sale I've ever made and I think I've really only sold maybe 10 single copy records in 9 years with them only selling in the $3 to $5 area for each one.
Names like Rolling Stones, Beatles, Monkees, etc do well, and if a Chicago or Dylan fan is walking by at the right time those and others would sell too, but it's really hit and miss and hardly worth the effort as Clist says. Heavy, bulky, non-sellers, like most books .... at a flea market....sometimes OK on eBay, or try to sell them in bulk on Clist at as little as a dime or 25 cents each if you have say 100 to 500 of them...but they have to take them all at that price.
Can't you just see someone coming to look at 500 records and wanting to go through them to find the 5 they want at 25 cents each? ! You could write the ad on Clist to say something like....."This works out to 25 cents each, or you can sort through them and buy single copies at $10 each !"

That pretty much says it all to the record collector.