Storage Auctions

where to find auctions

where to find auctions
« on: July 31, 2011, 08:24:11 AM »
i went out and got 7 different news papers this morning from 3 different counties. i searched the whole papers and only found 1 storage auction. can anyone give me advice on where to go to find them. as of right now i am paying for a website that has listings but imo its a waste of money since about 90% of the auctions are over by 'Auctionfaces' stomping grounds and about 5 hours from me. any ideas would be welcome as of right now. the only idea i have is go through the phone books and call every storage facility i see listed.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2011, 09:02:41 AM »
i went out and got 7 different news papers this morning from 3 different counties. i searched the whole papers and only found 1 storage auction. can anyone give me advice on where to go to find them. as of right now i am paying for a website that has listings but imo its a waste of money since about 90% of the auctions are over by 'Auctionfaces' stomping grounds and about 5 hours from me. any ideas would be welcome as of right now. the only idea i have is go through the phone books and call every storage facility i see listed.

You bought 7 papers and found one legal notice: Maybe there aren't any other auctions going on right now. Buy those 7 papers once a week or so (or more often) for about 4 weeks. Bet you will see more.

Go through the phone book? Good idea. Is it a big phone book? If you are in a major metropolitan area that could be a chore, but my guess is you are in a smaller area and there just aren't that many auctions going on right now.
If you live in a smaller town/city then it  shouldn't take long to call the places.

Patience will serve you well in this business. If you want to succeed in it in any meaningful way you have to be in it for the long haul, not just what's happening this week or next.

Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2011, 09:11:49 AM »
well you were right i do live in a small town that maybe consist of about 500 people. the nearest big town is about 10k people that is about 30 mins away. i live int he middle of farmland if that gives you an idea as to my problems. the papers i got were from both small town and places like detroit, flint and port huron which are big cities within 2 hours of me.
    the phone books i have 4 phone books from the surrounding areas plus the bigger cities. but i did just find out yesterday that my cousin that i havent talked to is about 8 years does these and is having great success i might be able to talk to him.
   yes i am in it for the long haul. after being an army vet and being an accomplished deisel tech in the military and going to a top college with no luck in jobs this is my last chance hehe.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2011, 09:15:46 AM »
Just before your last reply I looked up in one of your original posts where you were from, then looked up Lapeer population on Google.

With Lapeer City at about 9,000 people and Lapeer county at 90,000 I got the picture quickly, then your info in your last post.

Storage Auctions are certainly not your last chance (I know you were joking), but it will take some work (and travel?) given your circumstances. Be wary of long travel on the chance you will score enough to make good money at it. Gas costs add up fast.

Good luck and let us know what you are able to get.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2011, 09:32:00 AM »
Try this.

How is Lapeer doing.  I dated a girl from there once.  I also think I hit my first deer there.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2011, 09:32:21 AM »
It does happen. In Houston this week, there are only 6 auctions. Normally we have 50-80 per week.

Your best bet for a smaller town is to just call the facilities.
It takes a little time, but the results are accurate and complete and it doesn't cost you a penny.

Storage auction schedule services are good options as well. You can get a free trial at or click the following link for a 15% discount using this coupon code.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 09:35:51 AM »
I dated a girl from there once.  I also think I hit my first deer there.

In a town with a name like Lapeer, I would imagine the opposite.

Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 09:40:19 AM »
well the closest big city that people know is lapeer i am from about 25 miles north in an extreme small town thats called clifford.
@ tclane just so you know i date deer here every year then i shoot them off my back porch after i break up with them and stalk them for a few months.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 09:44:06 AM »

Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2011, 09:52:25 AM »
but heres the good and bad of here from the people ive talked to and what i see happening. people have no money around here so things go for really cheap including  units. ( no money = cheaper lkrs? seems right) also thrift stores and flea markets arent doing well cept for one which is just every monday but thats also a farm auction also. most thrift stores and flea markets have gone out of business due to lack of business. with the exception of my other post from the auction from cass city which i found out was also a farm, construction, and about 5 other auctions all in one ( hence why so many people) big units+small prices+ no money for people to buy= help?

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2011, 10:18:50 AM »
but heres the good and bad of here from the people ive talked to and what i see happening. people have no money around here so things go for really cheap including  units. ( no money = cheaper lkrs? seems right) also thrift stores and flea markets arent doing well cept for one which is just every monday but thats also a farm auction also. most thrift stores and flea markets have gone out of business due to lack of business. with the exception of my other post from the auction from cass city which i found out was also a farm, construction, and about 5 other auctions all in one ( hence why so many people) big units+small prices+ no money for people to buy= help?
Thats why I moved away from MI in the first place.  Economy hit hard there.  Nobody has money its kinda sad.

Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2011, 10:38:52 AM »
i hear ya chefj. i want to move to arizona cause of the job market down there for mechanics plus i want to go to UTI and buy ahouse down there. only problem is as of right now i have to many bills from this crappy economy. thats why im doing these auctions is to be able to pay off some bills save some money and leave for a better life and better lkrs in az. i heard some stories down there about indian relics and very old antiques that go for a really pretty penny.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2011, 10:46:24 AM »
I heard stories that Arizona is going to be reliving the dust bowl.

Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2011, 10:57:48 AM »
that means less people to bid if they are to afraid of a little sand... right? if you want the dust bowl go to iraq or kuwait thats a dust bowl.

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Re: where to find auctions
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2011, 11:54:04 AM »
I heard stories that Arizona is going to be reliving the dust bowl.

If that is the case it will spread to other states eventually. Just from the dirt being picked up in Arizona.

That is how it happened with the dustbowl during the mid 20th century. Dust from the midwest clouded alot of the East Coast including NYC.

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