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Wiping my inventory clean

Offline jrossjr79

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Wiping my inventory clean
« on: June 22, 2011, 09:09:18 PM »
Ok, after so long of trying to sell alot of my stuff piece by piece, I have decided to sell my 10x10 which is only 1/4 to 1/2 full for $200. Only thing I am keeping out of it is a few rare records (I know I will find the right buyer), the 4 Japanese Vintage professional framed prints (going to take it to an art dealer or auction house), and a few Military Collectibles since I have a buyer for that. All in all, from what I figured I could make off with it, but cant do yard sales right now, and flea market out of question, I am losing about $300. But I am gaining that quick $200. Which will put me right back into the black with money in pocket to go back out there.

Oh, almost forgot, I am looking into a few investors, well, will only be choosing one, that will help me get the business soring where I can start the flea market booths with. Will be more than doubling investor's investment in a calendar year. Had a few bites for it, but no one has taken me completely serious as of yet. Wonder if I will find that right investor.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2011, 09:20:40 PM »
I've sold lkrs "full" of stuff to other flea market sellers. This is not my main storage unit and it usually has happened within a week of my "auxillary" lkr rent coming due. The lkr I am selling still has good stuff left, but it may have been out to the flea a time or two. I also put a couple of better items in with the other stuff as "incentive" to the new buyer.  Has worked a few times and is a good way to clear space, bring in some income and move on.

If this is the one you had the phone in, then you are already in good shape having sold the phone.

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2011, 09:22:00 PM »

Oh, almost forgot, I am looking into a few investors, well, will only be choosing one, that will help me get the business soring where I can start the flea market booths with. Will be more than doubling investor's investment in a calendar year. Had a few bites for it, but no one has taken me completely serious as of yet. Wonder if I will find that right investor.

Maybe you can find some wheeler-dealer on the forum to go partners with you !

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2011, 09:23:33 PM »
I've sold lkrs "full" of stuff to other flea market sellers. This is not my main storage unit and it usually has happened within a week of my "auxillary" lkr rent coming due. The lkr I am selling still has good stuff left, but it may have been out to the flea a time or two. I also put a couple of better items in with the other stuff as "incentive" to the new buyer.  Has worked a few times and is a good way to clear space, bring in some income and move on.

If this is the one you had the phone in, then you are already in good shape having sold the phone.

Yup same inventory locker, this is the left over stuff from all 10 lockers, that has just been hell to move. Started grouping certain things together to see if would sell that way, still no luck, so I said the hell with it, sell it all in one bulk wholesale price, figure it would move then. Have had several emails about it, one made an appointment with me begging me to please not sell it before she comes. Which is Saturday, my day of choice.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2011, 09:25:24 PM »
Maybe you can find some wheeler-dealer on the forum to go partners with you !

Only few people (well regulars anyway) that are in Texas, have not even seen one in San Antonio, Travis is probable the closest one to me since he is in Houston. So I dont see it coming from this forum, at least not of yet. :\

Offline MovieMan

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2011, 09:29:26 PM »
Have had several emails about it, one made an appointment with me begging me to please not sell it before she comes. Which is Saturday, my day of choice.

You know, when someone BEGS me not to sell some Craigslist item before they can get to it, I offer them this idea:

"If you have a PayPal account send me an -other- payment to secure your purchase; it only needs to be 25% of your final purchase price."

So, if they were buying your lkr of goods for $200, they could make a PayPal deposit of $50 and you would hold it for them until that Saturday pickup and payout of the remaining $150.

Of course not everyone has a PayPal account, but some do and this has worked for me on  Clist sales.

I've found that when a few days pass, people's resolve (no matter how fervant) sometimes changes....maybe a spouse talks them out of it, or they find a cheaper, closer deal as an example. Hard to give up a $50 deposit though.

I use the deposit idea at the flea too..."sure, I'll hold it for you. Just give me $10 of the $25 purchase price and I'll put it back for you while you go to the ATM. It will be here for you when you get back."

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2011, 10:55:06 PM »
I usually dont hold stuff for anyone, only reason I did it this way, is because they were willing to come and get it now, or when we were talking about it over phone anyway. I wasnt going to be available till Saturday because of other obligations. So since it is me that is holding back, and not them, I decided to say sure I will hold it for you. Even if they dont, I have a long list of emails to weed through. So all is good.

Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2011, 12:44:07 PM »
Just curious about something. I have heard you say in a couple posts you can't sell at the flea market. I am from San Antonio and Bussy's flea market doesn't require you show any permits or licenses. They just state is is your responsibility, not theirs. "4.Sales tax permit, collection of taxes, and other governmental requirements shall be the responsibility of the seller."

I am just starting out, and will probably want to see how it goes for a few months before I get my sales tax permit and such. I eventually will, but as far as I can tell, if I need to go to the swap meet 1 day every couple months to clear out knick knacks, I can do it no problem.

If I want a space at the flea market for a day, I pay for it, and it's mine.

Am I missing something ?

Re: Wiping my inventory clean
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2011, 01:16:32 PM »
Many flea markets are for certain items like antiques or specailty items. I think thats what hes saying

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