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Your worst clean out ever

Offline Travis

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Your worst clean out ever
« on: April 16, 2014, 06:21:11 PM »
 We've all had them. Units we wish we had never bought. Add in extreme weather, problematic merchandise and sometimes even disgusting or dangerous situations and you've got a recipe disaster. What's been the worst unit you ever had to clean out and what made it so bad?

Re: Your worst clean out ever
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2014, 10:11:03 PM »
This one is easy!  I bought a 10x30 locker at one of my favorite facilities back before the shows started.  Paid $300 for it.  It was a great locker over all, but easily the worst clean out I have ever had. 

This was at an older facility and the ceilings were really tall and had open rafters and the stuff was stacked up clear into the rafters......probably 13' or so up, and it was stuffed.  Lot of good stuff in it, but it was kind of weird because the tenant had stored a bunch of food in there......and it had been infested with rats! 

I would grab one box, and it would be perfect, but then I would grab another box and it would be full of rat poop and chewed up items.  But what was gross was I would reach up to pull down a box, and tons of rat crap was falling on my head.  Box after box and the crap was all over.....I kept thinking of the hantavirus as I was pulling boxes down.

It was wild, i found ketchup bottles that rats had chewed through the plastic and eaten all the ketchup out of.  All kinds of stuff was chewed up and of course rat urine on stuff.  I have never seen so much rat crap anywhere, and I found a couple of petrified dead rats too.   

There were two other memorable items too.  I had already made a trip to the dump, and the facility manager came by and told me that the lady had left her baby son in the locker, and couldn't remember where she put him and she wanted him back.   I was sweating it and hoping I hadn't already thrown him away by accident.  I finally did find him, the cremains of a six month old baby.....why in the hell would she keep him in there?

The other memorable item I found is actually a little more common, but was pretty funny.  I found a sock with something in it.  I had visions of jewelry and treasure dancing in my head.  I carefully dumped it on to a makeshift table I had set up and out pops a ***** much for treasure!

It was a disgusting clean out and I took two decent sized loads to the dump, but, that locker had the second largest amount of real gold and silver jewelry I have ever pulled out of a locker and lots of high end clothes and nice furniture that the rats didn't ruin, so it was worth it in the end

Offline Travis

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Re: Your worst clean out ever
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2014, 11:05:04 PM »
Yeah, I've had to clean out a pretty bad rat poop unit as well. It was everywhere. In every box, all of the bedding and clothing, stuck to stuffed animals, you get the picture.

My worst clean out was a 10X30 stacked to the ceiling. I bought this unit because it was cheap and because there was a rifle stock sticking out of a rifle case. Sure enough, it was just a rifle stock. But stay tuned, there is a theme here.

This was a massive unit with tons of stuff. To make a long story short, this was a hoarder unit and everything in the unit was broken or missing. I mean, who the hell stores 40 old broom handles? Anyway, to make matters worse, this lunatic packed the unit like, well, see the photo below. Get the picture? Took all of two days with 2 helpers to clean out this crap. Didn't find anything of real value except a large granite slab.   

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