Storage Auctions

YouTube videos dealing with them here.

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YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:00:30 AM »
As the subject line says, post your YouTube "finds" here. When you post, please only post one or two; give other's a chance to post as well.

Here's a start; this one was originally posted by RATannahill in the Lookey Loos Part 3...March, 2011 section.

It is the National Anthem video and is 11 minutes long; I skipped through it.


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Re: YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2011, 10:29:45 AM »
I normally post some free auction lists on youtube every week or so, been slacking as of late. Here is where you can find them, I'll post another tonight. If anyone wants a specific state subscribe and leave a comment asking and I'll do a vid.

As far as other vids Glendon has some good vidoes, I'm pretty sure that's what his name is. The guy from Georgia. Here's a link to his vidz

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Re: YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2011, 10:33:53 PM »
I should have been clearer in what I thought might pop up here.

Rather than YouTube videos touting lists for sale (yes, Rules there are more people than you doing it, so this is an effort to stop other similar video posts) and talking heads telling HOW TO MAKE MILLIONS (I understand the other example you gave is a fellow who is no longer in the biz).

I know the original example posted here was of an auctioneer touting his own service (witness the commercial message every 30 seconds) I BELIEVE there are YouTube videos out there that are JUST PLAIN AMATEUR videos showing storage auctions in action.

But maybe I'm wrong.

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Re: YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 11:30:31 PM »
The lists I post on youtube are free lists, it's a resource for people so I don't see anything wrong with posting it. I get your point of the thread though

I havn't checked Glendons channel lately but he's out of the biz? You happen to know why? He was all about auctions and I believe had been in the biz for a long time. Was it the show/crowds that made him leave the biz?

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Re: YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2011, 11:45:17 PM »
The lists I post on youtube are free lists, it's a resource for people so I don't see anything wrong with posting it. I get your point of the thread though

I havn't checked Glendons channel lately but he's out of the biz? You happen to know why? He was all about auctions and I believe had been in the biz for a long time. Was it the show/crowds that made him leave the biz?

Yes, I get the drift of your free videos and your paid service.

I watched 1.5 of Golendon's videos and decided it wasn't for me. He himself said he was no longer in the business, but I think I just stopped watching so I don't know why he quit.

Personally, the YouTubes I like are the ones that show me how to do something...not talking about something, but demonstrating how to do something.

Re: YouTube videos dealing with them here.
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2011, 12:15:42 AM »
Glendon cracks me up.  He did the storage auctions for 8 years, and then he decided to get out and write and sell books instead.  He also has an extensive YouTube library, over 220 videos.  I believe he's been doing this since August of 2009 now.  He has a great speaking style and he tells it like it is....he cracks me up.  He also gives some good insight into business in general, and not just auctions. 

I've done a lot of YouTube searches trying to find other videos.  Not a lot out there.  One guy called the redneckpicker has a few, some good, some not so much.  Also, theauctionguydan has quite a few.  That's the auctioneer from Storage Wars.  Posting all those videos on YouTube is probably how he got that gig. 

I saw this crazy unit on YouTube!!!

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