Storage Auctions

Hello People

Hello People
« on: December 23, 2011, 09:48:52 AM »
Hello everyone. I am not new to auctions, not new to garage sales, or new to hunting for a deal. I did go to my first Storage Locker Auction this month. Met some interesting people, but none as crazy as is shown on the Hollywood crap of television. Most people were friendly, a retired policeman, a couple of flea market people, one lady who just felt that she needed to get every locker to feel good (retail therapy LOL), a couple of professional white collar guys and some people just enjoying the day and excitement of an auction. Lockers mostly went from $75-$475.00. I didn't see anything I liked so didn't bid, but overall it was fun. I'm a sales guy for a flooring company and I travel a lot. I have bought a few things I and resold them making some nice profits. It is odd how since I live in a nice part of town, people think that if I sell something on craigslist I must be really struggling for cash. But they also believe it must have been well taken care of. I will be attending some more of these type of auctions just because I like to see what’s in the locker, will end up buying a few, mostly for a hobby.

I do not understand the mentality of "it’s a business to me so stay out of my way." I bid on flooring jobs all year and there’s always new competitors, just people with the same right as me to bid on jobs, this is no different. SO nice to meet you people, Good Luck this coming year.

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Re: Hello People
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2011, 10:11:31 AM »

I do not understand the mentality of "it’s a business to me so stay out of my way." I bid on flooring jobs all year and there’s always new competitors, just people with the same right as me to bid on jobs, this is no different. Greg

Beg to differ on "this is no different". If some newbie clown overbids by $500 on a locker preventing me from getting it at a price where I could actually MAKE money, that is a difference. He might break even or even lose money.

Also when crowds are at 50 to 100 people instead of the 10 to 25 of a year ago, that is a difference.

If you bid out a job at $1,000 and a "competitor" said "I can do it for $350" I think then you might be seeing a similar situation as your competitor might get the job...and not make any money.

Re: Hello People
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2011, 10:46:37 AM »
I respect your opinion, but it is the same from my view. Years ago in my area of business there were only two bidding companies. Then it went to 6, and now as the economy has gotten worse, there are around 10 bids on every job. Some people bid foolishly and get the job. The owner gets a poor product or installation and I am out a job. But that’s their right, and I understand it. It has made me better at searching out new products. Competition is just part of any real business. Things are always changing in any business atmosphere. I have no greater worth in Gods eyes than the next guy. Just my opinion.

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Re: Hello People
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2011, 01:58:29 PM »
Competition is just part of any real business. Things are always changing in any business atmosphere. I have no greater worth in Gods eyes than the next guy. Just my opinion.

I respect your opinion too, but to compare these two business (and increased competition) to each other in a business regard stretches the imagination .... in my opinion.

I am not a particularly religious person (I don't attend church as an example) but you might be and that is fine too, but to profess it here seems odd to me.  Again, just my opinion.

Re: Hello People
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2011, 02:45:21 PM »
Welcome. I am similar to you. I am new to this forum as well, and have many years of business and auction experience. I agree with you about the misplaced animosity, but it is what it is.  Everyone was a newbie at one point, just because you maybe had no idea that storage auctions existed until you saw the tv shows makes me no less a competitor/businessman/bidder than anyone else.

My other world is IT Consulting. When economic times are tough, I have to deal with hundreds of local out of work guys who think they know as much about small business technology infrastructure as I do. SOme of them do, some of them don't but they ALL charge less than half of what I do. They all eventually get other jobs and are out of the business soon, but I lose plenty of business during bad times because of them, its just the reality of the game.  Just like newbies in anything. I am pretty sure that most of the guys here on this forum also loved the Texas Hold-Em craze that popped because of the tv coverage, this is the exact same thing. In reality, if you know what you are doing, are smart about your decisions, you will be fine with or without all of the newbies.

Good luck, the storage auction world has been a fun one so far for me, but quite a bit of work. (that I enjoy every second of) The fact of the matter is, there are plenty of units available for everyone. Some will be overpaid for (sometimes because of newbies, sometimes because of whales, sometimes because there is one annoying and usually empty TV box in the corner), and some will go for the right price. Thats the fun part.

Re: Hello People
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2011, 03:48:33 PM »
I think its a matter of respect also.When someone puts their blood,sweat and energy into their profession and someone comes in and makes their job harder without the same professional attitude it makes it hard.

Re: Hello People
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2011, 04:13:10 PM »
Welcome to the forum!

I do have to say that most of the auctions I have been to are in the Atlanta area and I have only come across nice people. I haven't felt any animosity. It may be that I do not come across as a newbie.  But that is just me and my area lol.

Good luck!

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Re: Hello People
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2011, 11:41:41 AM »
One of the things I see is new people who come out and have no respect for people who do this for a living. Last auction some rich kid showed up along with all the other "new gamblers" and was having a big time bidding up $25 units and laughing about it. The couple that usually buys these type of units look like they are $20 away from living under an interstate overpass. I see them every time at the flea market trying to make a living. I don't know what this kid does for a living, but Im sure nobody comes to where he works and makes him spend or lose a whole lot of money just for kicks.

What this kid doesn't know is he has just guaranteed himself this will be a very expensive hobby.  ;D

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Re: Hello People
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2011, 04:40:41 PM »

I do not understand the mentality of "it’s a business to me so stay out of my way."

Well to be honest we are noobies too and have not really hit the "it’s a business to me so stay out of my way."  Most everyone has been really nice, the more we attend the more we are welcomed by the regulars. This is a business to us.

Years ago in my area of business there were only two bidding companies. Then it went to 6, and now as the economy has gotten worse, there are around 10 bids on every job. Some people bid foolishly and get the job.

 But that’s their right, and I understand it.
As Cobia said a lot of disrespect, for people, Auctioneers, and facility managers. When you see it over and over again by people you will not see again you get a bit of an attitude regular or not.  Quoted you on the comparison of 6 to 10 new bids multiply that by 100. 
Yes they have a right to bid but when they come out and bid up units and loose their money and don't return there are 50 more to take their place.  So it gets frustrating. We have attended so many auctions with no purchases because the prices are to high to make a profit, and profit being after paying for your time, gas, labor, ect.
We have a noobie and I really do not care for him. He has paid to much IMO for units, and is worried about who got it if he did not, also just acts like an ass. We have seen him at the local auctions which are in the beginning of the month I really hope he lost his but and does not return.  ::)

Anyway welcome aboard and good luck.

Re: Hello People
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2011, 09:23:33 PM »
Storage Auctions can be fun and a lot of work. I enjoy them. Been buying for 15 years. Boy has the crowd changed. Good luck to all of you for the 2012 year.

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