Hello all,
This is a pretty cool forum!! Kudos, to the person responsible for creating it.

I have actually had an interest in collecting, what some would call "JUNK" since childhood. My Step Father was a collector. His focus was more on old bicycles, and old jars and bottles. He owned his own plumbing company in Chicago, where I grew up. We would find lots of old jars and glass milk bottles from like early 1900's while digging up different yards and streets to run new water or sewer lines. That's how I got started. My collection is very small. Due to not having space for ANYTHING extra. When my first daughter was born, my Wife and I decided to move away from Chicago. We still live in Illinois. Were just closer to Iowa than Chicago!! I got this job delivering pizza's. Which was supposed to be temporary until I could find a descent plumbing job in town. Well here I am almost a year later, and still slinging pies!! I actually enjoy delivering pizza's. And the income end isn't as bad as I originally figured it would be. But, my inner "JUNK" collector wants out!! Maybe it's all the shows that are on: Storage wars, Pawn stars, American pickers, Auction hunters. Maybe, It's that my Wife was recently saying that she was wanting to have her own store to take care of and run!! I started thinking this storage auction thing might be something that I could eventually move to full time doing. I have yet to even attend a storage auction. I may be going this Saturday if things are just right (time & money). Like I said, I have always been a collector, but I never really ventured out to try and actually find these items. This is all new to me, but I feel like nothing is going to stop me from giving 110% my all to make sure that our merchandise is constantly moving, and profit is being made!! I will constantly keep trying to make my inventory ASAP (AS Small As Possible). Yet continuously buy as much junk as I can handle!!! It is what you make of it. When the TV shows are long over with most people will disappear from these auctions and dismiss them as a waste of money. Due to the fact that those who are either doing this for a living or as just a hobby are the only ones who will benefit from it in the long run. Those who are there because they saw Barry Weiss buy a storage unit for $50 and find $20,000 worth of treasure in it, won't stick, because they realize there is no treasure, without a treasure HUNT!!!!
I'm gonna be in it for the ups and downs, and downs, and downs... LOL

Anyway, thats my story and I'm sticking to it!!!
Wish me luck!!!