Storage Auctions

Auctions in Michigan today

Auctions in Michigan today
« on: March 30, 2011, 04:46:18 PM »
I went to 2 different auctions today.  The first one this morning had 3 units.  33 people were in attendance.  They went for $25 (mattress & table), $60 (large couch & loveseat with no cushions) and $200 (bedroom set, dressers & boxes).

The second auction this afternoon had 3 units also.  With 16 people in attendance.  They went for $25 (2 large cabinet TVs with a motorcycle motor?), $175 (couch, loveseat (burn hole), cheap looking dressers, boxes) and $550 (washer, dryer, loveseat, table and U-Haul boxes).  My limit was $300 on the last unit.  So, I came home with nothing today.  But, that's okay.  I'm still trying to clean out our garage from the last units that I bought. 

Not that many people today.  These auctions were in a local paper and not listed on-line.  I really think that makes a difference.  Healthe :)

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Re: Auctions in Michigan today
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 04:48:20 PM »

Not that many people today.  These auctions were in a local paper and not listed on-line.  I really think that makes a difference.  Healthe :)

No doubt, and good to stick to your price and not lend to inflation !

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Re: Auctions in Michigan today
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 07:42:26 PM »
I've been seeing a lot of these units with just one or two pieces of furniture in them lately. More so than before. I'm wondering if that was true what someone said in another post that they are letting people clear stuff out if they give money and then auctioning off the rest of the stuff.

Re: Auctions in Michigan today
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2011, 07:29:55 PM »
Went to another auction today out of town.  There were 4 units for sale and 30 people in attendance.  The manager at this storage facility opened all the doors and everyone was able to go into the units and open up boxes and bags to look at all the contents before bidding.  (First time I've seen that before.)  There was a Lazyboy chair and couch in really bad shape that went for $25, another unit with stained mattresses, beat up dresser and bags of clothes for $10, another unit had a toy box, beat up couch and bags of clothes for $60 and the last one went for $185.  I bid $175, but stopped.  It was a 10 x 15 unit with some cheap furniture and lots of boxes.  It was stuffed!  And when some of the people tried to look in the boxes they were falling out of the unit.  Some were empty.  The only reason I bid was because of all the dust and cobwebs!  I wanted to see what was in the back!  But wasn't in the mood to overspend just because I was curious!  Healthe :)

Michigan Storage Auctions

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