Storage Auctions

An other stupid noob question locks

An other stupid noob question locks
« on: November 18, 2011, 02:13:01 AM »
i have one masterlock but its old and rusted but still works. what i do have is 4 locks that can with my rifles, if you own a gun you know what i mean, the action locks not the trigger lock. just wondering if anyone would use these locks on a unit?
here's a link of the lock im talking about

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: An other stupid noob question locks
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2011, 07:28:02 AM »
I seen one person use them for their winning lockers. However, I personally would not use one, unless I knew for sure I was going to have that locker done on the same day I bought it.

Re: An other stupid noob question locks
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2011, 08:02:23 AM »
You can use something like that for the 30-60 mins to finish the auction before you come back to clean it out.  I wouldn't leave it on there long.

If you are going to do this much you need to invest into some locks.  I would also suggest different size/types.

I myself carry two of the round bolt type, 2 thick masterlocks, 2 skinny cheap locks, and 1 long mid-grade type lock.  I do this as a few of the units I've purchased would not fit my high grade, thick locks.  Also, if you hit an auction or multiple auctions in one day you can run out of locks.

Not to sound rude but if you can't afford a pack of locks and a flashlight - don't be doing this.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: An other stupid noob question locks
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2011, 08:12:11 AM »
Five years ago I was lucky enough to buy 20 locks from a guy....NONE OF WHICH HAD KEYS !

There were 10 with a blue name on the side and 10 with a red name on the side. These have HEAVY DUTY shackles and my feeling was they were keyed alike because they came from a vending machine vendor.

I bought them for $10 for the 20 locks. Took them to a locksmith who fairly quickly was able to figure them out and make keys; one set of two keys for the BLUES, one set of two keys for the reds. Total locksmith cost was $25.

So a total of $35 for the 20 locks and of course the beauty is that all locks use the same key. No fumbling around to figure out which key goes to which lock.

I didn't need 20, so I sold 10 of them to one my cronies for $40 (dirt cheap for that many keyed alike locks !) and we were both happy.

Aside from the time I invested, I had 10 keyed alike locks for myself and I MADE $5 !

Re: An other stupid noob question locks
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2011, 09:23:42 AM »
i have money to buy locks but i dont want to go out and buy locks and turn out to not like auctions. i have no need for locks at my house. also i dont plan on buying a big unit my first time out

Re: An other stupid noob question locks
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2011, 11:20:27 AM »
i forgot i have combination locks, i took them off of lockers when i was in hs i dont why i did that but i did, and i do they the combinations.

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