Storage Auctions

Buying a locker without a place to keep the items

Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« on: September 11, 2011, 07:08:33 PM »
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to go about purchasing storage lockers without a place to put the items I purchase.

Can I just rent the locker for a week or so and sell the items on craigslist and have customers come with me to pick them up at the unit?  I really dont know the rules with storage units if I have to actually take the items to sell even if I purchase a storage plan until I successfully sell or clean out the locker.

Any advice that you have to offer will be greatly appreciated.  Would love to start doing this as a hobby, but not sure if its realistically possible without a storefront or place to keep the items I buy.

Offline ronin

Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 11:48:09 PM »
first off you wont sell your stuff in a week or even 2 weeks.  it may take a month or two. so now you have rent to pay for a few months. i have a storage locker i put stuff in that i sale at the flea market. but i buy 3 or 4 units a month. so i turn the stuff pretty fast. if this is just a hobby you will spend more then you will make. keep the over head as low as you can. and you will do fine. every thing cost money to do this. start with gas, storage rent,time,and trips to the dump( a lot of trips to the dump).

Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2011, 07:36:32 AM »
Even doing this as a hobby you need a few things before you purchase your first unit.  First you need to know what are you going to do with the items.  Are you going to keep most of them or sale them.  Do you have a place to store everything?  Do you have a means to move the items you do win.  How are you going to sale if you plan to sale.  Buying a unit is the easy and simple part.  What to do with everything is the challenge.

For me I own 3 acres of land with 2 large barns/sheds.  While most of them are full of my own crap, I have extra space for other small items.  Which means I mostly stay away from furniture unless I know someone who wants an item or I can make a quick sale.

Also, some places don't like you selling stuff out of a unit on their property.  You would need to check with each facility in your area.  I know many of my area regulars have a large storage unit they keep stuff in.  However, they are buying 2-4 lockers a week if not more and either have a store or perm place at the flea market.

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2011, 10:15:55 PM »
your living room? lol

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2011, 05:40:00 PM »
I am in the process of building a storage locker in my back yard. Which somewhat sucks since this is a rental, but in long run will save me money from having to rent a locker. Its currently in the planning stage, I will keep yall updated with pictures and what not.

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2011, 08:13:03 PM »
Sounds like a cool project.. Definitely post some pics!

I am in the process of building a storage locker in my back yard. Which somewhat sucks since this is a rental, but in long run will save me money from having to rent a locker. Its currently in the planning stage, I will keep yall updated with pictures and what not.

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 06:09:03 AM »
Here is what the auctioneer will never tell you:

Even though most of the time they give you 48 hours to remove the contents, I have never had a problem getting a 3-4 day extension to clean out a unit.

I would buy units all week long and move all of the units (usually 7-9) on Friday. (with the help of my workers of course)

As long as your upfront with the facility managers, most are fine with giving you a few extra days.

You will need storage to house the things you don't sell. I did garage sales every Saturday so I got rid of most of the stuff but you will inevitably have left overs.

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 07:17:30 AM »
I am in the process of building a storage locker in my back yard. Which somewhat sucks since this is a rental, but in long run will save me money from having to rent a locker. Its currently in the planning stage, I will keep yall updated with pictures and what not.

Depending on how it looks in your pics, I know at least ONE person in California who could use your talents !  ;)

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 07:40:48 AM »
Depending on how it looks in your pics, I know at least ONE person in California who could use your talents !  ;)

Well thats California, Im way to far, lol.

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 07:45:08 AM »
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to go about purchasing storage lockers without a place to put the items I purchase.

Does the expression...."rolling on the floor, laughing my a** off" ring any bells ?

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 07:46:53 AM »
Sounds like a cool project.. Definitely post some pics!

This may get cancelled all together. Was doing the math last night. The dimensions of this storage would or will be 10' x 15'. With 4 inches of depth on the foundation. With that it would take me roughly about 75 - 80 bags of concrete just to lay the foundation. ANd since it is so much, I would have to have it delivered. This alone is over $320. So either I am going to have to find a way to get bags of concrete cheaper, cut down on how much concrete I have to use by using other raw materiels mixed with it, abandon the project, or not use a concrete foundation (which is hard to do since I want it very stable and not get rotten).

Offline Cobia

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 08:19:47 AM »
Does anybody have any suggestions on how to go about purchasing storage lockers without a place to put the items I purchase.

Can I just rent the locker for a week or so and sell the items on craigslist and have customers come with me to pick them up at the unit?  I really dont know the rules with storage units if I have to actually take the items to sell even if I purchase a storage plan until I successfully sell or clean out the locker.

Any advice that you have to offer will be greatly appreciated.  Would love to start doing this as a hobby, but not sure if its realistically possible without a storefront or place to keep the items I buy.

The only advice I can give you is to rent your own storage locker to do the storing/sorting/selling from. You will need something big like a 10 x 20 or 10 x 30. Actually you will probably need two storage lockers, one to sort from one to sell from. What are you gonna do with the trash? Thats a lot of dump runs? This is going to be a REAL expensive hobby for you.

Maybe you should just start with picking garage sales, estate sales, flea markets until your situation changes. I think you would be biting off more than you can chew getting into storage auctions.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 02:06:06 PM »
Here is what the auctioneer will never tell you:

Even though most of the time they give you 48 hours to remove the contents, I have never had a problem getting a 3-4 day extension to clean out a unit.

I would buy units all week long and move all of the units (usually 7-9) on Friday. (with the help of my workers of course)

As long as your upfront with the facility managers, most are fine with giving you a few extra days.

You will need storage to house the things you don't sell. I did garage sales every Saturday so I got rid of most of the stuff but you will inevitably have left overs.

I can verify this, never had a problem with getting an extension before. Only ones I have had trouble getting an extension was from one facility, they said if not out in the 48 dead line I would have to rent the unit myself. But other than that, I get an extension when I have asked for one.

Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #13 on: September 21, 2011, 09:34:18 PM »
Off topic, but use sauna tubes and pressure treated 4x4's, it'll last longer then your rental agreement, guaranteed.

This may get cancelled all together. Was doing the math last night. The dimensions of this storage would or will be 10' x 15'. With 4 inches of depth on the foundation. With that it would take me roughly about 75 - 80 bags of concrete just to lay the foundation. ANd since it is so much, I would have to have it delivered. This alone is over $320. So either I am going to have to find a way to get bags of concrete cheaper, cut down on how much concrete I have to use by using other raw materiels mixed with it, abandon the project, or not use a concrete foundation (which is hard to do since I want it very stable and not get rotten).

Re: Buying a locker without a place to keep the items
« Reply #14 on: October 16, 2011, 01:45:32 PM »
I bought a garage.  Roll up door, has a side door installed for a walk in door.  Garage is 12 feet by 20 feet. Take all the dump out of the unit, keep the good stuff in the new garage. Costs about 200 bucks a month but I can use this for my own personal storage as well, not like I don't have enough sheds already.. lol.

I like it like this, my stuff is on my property and I never have to worry about burglars.  If one showed up here.. well.. this being Texas and all.. that would be their biggest mistake of their life.  .40 caliber HP's..

I guess thats the main thing, I wanted storage on my property.  No driving to a unit, no worrying about someone busting my lock off my locker. Its all right here at home with me.

Easier to sell from too.  CL buyers never step foot in my house.

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