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Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?

Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« on: October 16, 2014, 02:43:09 AM »
It seems to me that it would be fairly common for a drunk or angry owner to show up during or right after an auction to DEMAND all or part of his 'stuff'. Have you ever been confronted by an irate owner?

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2014, 04:05:17 AM »
It's not common at all for them to show up, let alone drunk or belligerent.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2014, 08:35:33 AM »
I've seen a quite few show up and approach the buyer after the sale although none that were drunk or belligerent that I can remember. Had one show up at my house once, 20 miles from storage facility. Youngish girl, very upset, with her boyfriend. Had either followed us home or the facility gave out our address which they denied. Lesson learned that day, never put your physical address on the sign in. It was two days after the auction so if she followed us home it was just pure luck that she saw us at all. 

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2014, 09:10:10 AM »
Had one show up at my house once, 20 miles from storage facility. Youngish girl, very upset, with her boyfriend. Had either followed us home or the facility gave out our address which they denied.

Now that's just creepy. What did they say to you and how did you respond?

Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2014, 10:17:05 AM »
yah i think most people are embarrassed rather than angry that their stuff was sold WAS their fault afterall. But yah i've never seen anyone come up drunk or mad or anything.

Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2014, 08:06:37 PM »
yah i think most people are embarrassed rather than angry that their stuff was sold WAS their fault afterall. But yah i've never seen anyone come up drunk or mad or anything.

I know one guy in NYC bought a room in Harlem, about 5 years ago.  Paid for the room, unloaded the room into his truck and as he was getting into a guy about 6'5 put a gun in his gut told him to move over and drove the truck to his house where he had two buddies unload everything and then let the guy go. 

Guy called the cops but no witnesses other than the guys friends which were nowhere to be found.

Another one I saw a guy and his prostitute girlfriend (evident for multiple reasons) came to an auction, no one ever saw them before but they stood out.  Once bidding started at one room the guy started loudly stating to the girl that if anyone bids against him on their room he would teach them a lesson.  Everyone now starts laughing and we get to his room.  He bids $10 and looks around like he will fight anyone that bids.  So of course the bids start coming from the back of the room 100, 200, 300 ..etc. he finally startings cursing, takes his shirt off and pulls out a gun from his sweats.  Grabs a random guy and starts hitting him with it.  Most people ran, cops came both were arrested.

Those were the two I've heard about and thats in about 10 years of doing it.

Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2014, 12:06:38 AM »
I just went to an auction two weeks ago.....this guy was outside the fence yelling at the crowd, but he didn't come in through the gate.  He was screaming that his entire life was in those lockers and it's not fair that he should lose his entire life because he couldn't pay.  The facility owner told him to leave and he kept yelling and the police showed up and talked to him and he left.  I bought one of his lockers.....wish I would have bought the other one too!

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2014, 12:50:07 PM »
I met one of the owner of a locker I bought, he was really nice and just wanted his personal memento's from the unit, which I gladly gave him. He said he didn't have any room to accept anything else out of the locker.

Very Kind, Very Polite, and Very Respectful of the situation.

Offline dbr831

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2014, 07:37:02 PM »
Now that's just creepy. What did they say to you and how did you respond?

It was a mother and daughter owned unit and the daughter was the one that showed up as we pulled into the driveway with an open trailer full of their stuff. She claimed she just happened to be up the street and saw her bike in the trailer as we drove by., I don't think so. Anyway she was upset and crying. Her boyfriend was with her but didn't get involved. Told her that we would return all personal papers and photos to the storage facility and that is all we could do. Her boyfriend said "lets just go" and they did. Never saw her again. This was actually our very first unit. What a way to start, huh? They had tons of purses with other womens papers, credit cards and ID. Arrest records. Photocopied stupid is that? They were thieves, and druggies. I sold some of the clothes at a garage sale and had a buyer inform me that there was a crack pipe and a credit card in the sleeve of a coat. OMG, I did my best to explain that the clothes were not mine. Now that was embarrassing...

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2014, 07:56:05 PM »
This was actually our very first unit. What a way to start, huh?

That evening, I bet you were wondering if situations like that were a common occurrence

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Re: Do confrontations with locker owners ever happen?
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2014, 04:46:06 PM »
I think in all the auctions I've ever been to I saw this happen only once. It was someone showed up and during the viewing and tried to take something out of the auction and the manager and auctioneer stepped in and put a stop to that real quick.

I think they are very concerned about liability of having people on their property which is why you have to sign in, somtimes show ID, etc. For that reason at least in my area they don't allow any confrontations between locker owners or even fellow bidders

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