Storage Auctions

fire arms

fire arms
« on: August 14, 2011, 08:00:53 PM »
I am new and attended my first auction a few days ago. I missed out on a couple $20 units because it sold so fast. I learned. My question tho is what is the law concerning firearms in the units? The auctioneer said that if he "sees it" he confiscates it and takes it to the police and whoever bought the unit loses out.

On the auction hunters show that I just watched this very thing happened and the auctioneer did in fact confiscate it, but he informed everyone (before bidding) that the winning bidder could go with him when he turns it in to a gun dealer and could keep the gun if it passed the gun check....and paying the fees for the check. That makes more sense to me. I don't know why they would even be responsible tho. It seems that the winning bidder would be responsible for doing all that.

The auctioneer where I went also said that the original owner could also reclaim it at the police station. Now that makes no sense to me at all. If that was the case, why couldn't the original owner reclaim anything and everything from the locker?
Your help is appreciated.

Offline jrossjr79

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Re: fire arms
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2011, 08:13:16 PM »
I am new and attended my first auction a few days ago. I missed out on a couple $20 units because it sold so fast. I learned. My question tho is what is the law concerning firearms in the units? The auctioneer said that if he "sees it" he confiscates it and takes it to the police and whoever bought the unit loses out.

On the auction hunters show that I just watched this very thing happened and the auctioneer did in fact confiscate it, but he informed everyone (before bidding) that the winning bidder could go with him when he turns it in to a gun dealer and could keep the gun if it passed the gun check....and paying the fees for the check. That makes more sense to me. I don't know why they would even be responsible tho. It seems that the winning bidder would be responsible for doing all that.

The auctioneer where I went also said that the original owner could also reclaim it at the police station. Now that makes no sense to me at all. If that was the case, why couldn't the original owner reclaim anything and everything from the locker?
Your help is appreciated.

Really depends on state law. Some places confiscate and buyer loses out completely, others ig gets confiscated and checked then turned back to you if it clears. Others even if they see it, wont take it.

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Re: fire arms
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2011, 08:24:46 PM »
Use the search button above (3rd from the left) and type in the word "guns". You'll find quite a bit of reading to do.


Re: fire arms
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2011, 08:47:44 PM »
im in northern california

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Re: fire arms
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2011, 10:09:39 PM »
"firearms" aren't supposed to be placed in the storage locker per contract.  So I would assume the auctioneer can set whatever rules he/she wants.  same as chemicals and basically anything that you  can't ship through usps.  Its all in the original contract from the storage facility to the renter.
Most states don't charge a fee if they are taken to the police station.  If yo uwere to take it to a broker, they may charge a fee.

Offline MovieMan

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Re: fire arms
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2011, 11:08:05 PM »
Here's one of the better threads on firearms...several members talk in detail about their gun finds in lkrs, and one INCREDIBLE story about a HUGE weapons cache found in a lkr.  ;D

Re: fire arms
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2011, 12:49:49 AM »
Thanks for the info.

What other auction companies aer there in n. calif other than J. Michaels?

Re: fire arms
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2011, 07:14:49 AM »
California has more laws and regulations then many states when it comes to firearms I think.  Here in GA all I really need to do is have a deputy come out and run the serial # of the weapon to make sure it's not stolen.  Don't have to register the weapon or anything.  The checking to see if it's stolen is to just cover myself.

Easiest way to find out how you should do things in your area is to call your local police department.  They can instruct you on the correct procedure for your city / county.

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