Storage Auctions

Minimum opening bid and Credit Card

Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« on: February 08, 2012, 07:55:45 PM »
I've been out of the loop for 6 months now of buying units due to being called to duty by the Army Reserves. So, that being said, I've noticed some changes in Georgia. 1. I seem to remember they were always cash only. Today I went to 5 auctions totaling 21 units. At each auction the option was given to use cash and/or credit. Is this new? 2. They stated in the rules that the facility or auctioneer can predetermine an opening bid. Is this new too? I remember when the opening was always $1 and went from there. Today the opening "minimum" bid was $100 for a unit I personally thought was only worth $25. Can anyone from Georgia let me know if this is new or maybe I was just on a new circuit today. Thanks. -a3rdRanger

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Re: Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2012, 09:55:55 PM »
Not from there but I've been out of this for years and just got back in.
Noticed it too.
But it's random. Some do the "who wants to open?" some start with a figure.
And at one he opened a trash locker at $75 and then a good one at $25 followed by a 10x20 filled at $25.
I just figured he knew the good ones would go well above any open so started low to get people going.

Haven't been to enough to know the auctioneers but seems to be personal style.

Re: Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2012, 10:21:53 PM »
Thanks Alias, that kinda goes into my belief that they "know" what's inside. When the facility manager or auctioneer knows the approximate value they may want to start the initial price off high, thereby maximizing their percentage of profit. Today a unit was opened and a storage facility worker said "I'm positive there are tools in there!" when no bidders could see them.  Just so happens inside a cardboard box were multiple tools. Hmmm.

Re: Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2012, 10:31:39 PM »
Facilities here are mostly cash only, but some take CCs and checks!   (I'm in the boondocks)  Also, not all require a cleaning deposit. (about two-thirds)  And luckily every location has asked for an opening bid and not set one.   

Good luck!

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Re: Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2012, 10:54:36 PM »
that kinda goes into my belief that they "know" what's inside.

So far, all the ones I've attended they've cut the lock. Either had it double locked with their own and renters still on. Or they had an evidence lock. Those wire things that are a thin wire that  you have to destroy to get off

Re: Minimum opening bid and Credit Card
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2012, 04:56:45 PM »
I'm in Georgia but have only a few facilities that will take a credit card, most are cash only.  Most are starting to do a $5 or $10 min incramental bid.  Many of the regulars will go ahead and jump bids up on good lockers and just sit back and watch on bad.

So a good locker that we all know will go for $150+ normally we start at $50 or $100 depending on the crowd.  It scares away a few people sometimes.

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