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PODS Vs Regular Storage

PODS Vs Regular Storage
« on: December 28, 2010, 08:16:20 AM »
What is your opinion on PODS? do you normally find better stuff in the pods vs a regular storage?

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2010, 07:10:45 PM »
I have been to pod auctions but have never purchased one. It seems to be better quality stuff they always went pretty pricey. The only thing is you might have had someone who moved across country or whatever and had 10 pods and they auction them off and you when only one of them or something you may have incomplete items as like couches where the cushions are in a different pod or something

Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2010, 07:12:56 PM »
The anounce the names on the pods in the paper. I guess you look for single once or make friends with the guys who buys the other

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2010, 07:24:58 PM »
ha yea

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2011, 09:54:23 AM »
I've bought 2 PODS including one that included the year 2000 Honda Quad I got! It was clearly visible at the door end of the locker.

The thing that gets me is that when some of the pods are opened, they are not all that full and some of them show a tv or other items that have tumbled down from being stacked high in an almost empty locker. I guess the people who packed it didn't have a sense of how the actual POD is moved. I have some pictures of this process and I'll come back here later and post them.

Offline Dan

Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2011, 10:43:47 AM »
Where are PODS auctions listed?  The only auctions I ever see around here on Auction Zip are for self storage units.  I also checked the major paper for legal notices, but no auctions of any sort were listed.

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2011, 12:36:02 PM »
Where are PODS auctions listed?  The only auctions I ever see around here on Auction Zip are for self storage units.  I also checked the major paper for legal notices, but no auctions of any sort were listed.

If the PODS are sold by one of the regular area auctioneers, you'll see them there. BUT, I check not only those auctioneer lists but auctionzip and newspaper legals as well. My PODS were listed in the legals.

Auctions only need to be listed in one newspaper of record so if a PODS is in city A and city A is 50 miles away from city B where someone is checking the legal notices, it won't pop up in city B legals but will be in city A legals.

Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2011, 05:11:12 PM »
I've bought 2 PODS including one that included the year 2000 Honda Quad I got! It was clearly visible at the door end of the locker.

I have a question about that.  I'm not sure if Quads are titled vehicles where you are, but what happens if you buy a unit-PODS or regular storage- that has a car, motorcycle or quad-any titled vehicle?  How do you get ownership papers on such an item?

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2011, 06:27:00 PM »
I have a question about that.  I'm not sure if Quads are titled vehicles where you are, but what happens if you buy a unit-PODS or regular storage- that has a car, motorcycle or quad-any titled vehicle?  How do you get ownership papers on such an item?
In California quads are tittled and to use one in a public forest they need a green sticker that you get when your register. Take the vin number to your dmv and they will tell you the status on the registration. If it has back taxes due you will have to pay them and there might be other difficulties I had when getting Honda Finane to release their interest even though they had stopped trying to collect from the previous owner FIVE years before I got the quad. Took 11 months to clear dmv/honda finance...with Honda being the biggest holdup. I sold it 10 days after I had the pink slip in my name.

So DMV first and go from there. Now one fellow bought a Harley frame and boxes of parts. He went to DMV and turns out the bike was stolen. Police came to his home, took it away and searched his home as well. The stuff he had around was mostly used ad he had reeceipts from some of the storage lokrs he had bought. He got off OK but was out the $2000 plus he paid for  the locker.

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2011, 06:29:55 PM »
In California quads are tittled and to use one in a public forest they need a green sticker that you get when your register. Take the vin number to your dmv and they will tell you the status on the registration. If it has back taxes due you will have to pay them and there might be other difficulties I had when getting Honda Finane to release their interest even though they had stopped trying to collect from the previous owner FIVE years before I got the quad. Took 11 months to clear dmv/honda finance...with Honda being the biggest holdup. I sold it 10 days after I had the pink slip in my name.

So DMV first and go from there. Now one fellow bought a Harley frame and boxes of parts. He went to DMV and turns out the bike was stolen. Police came to his home, took it away and searched his home as well. The stuff he had around was mostly used ad he had reeceipts from some of the storage lokrs he had bought. He got off OK but was out the $2000 plus he paid for  the locker.

Is there any way to check titles online rather than going to the DMV. Woudln't encourage anyone to try to sell stolen parts but I woudln't be too trhilled with the cops searching my house when I did nothing wrong, woudlnt' turn the bike in woudl just dump it if I knew it was s stolen.

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2011, 06:33:40 PM »
I don't know if that is possible or not...seems like it would be possible. Check it out in Illinois and let us know.

I also got a motorcycle in another lkr. This one the auctioneer walked in, found a baggy on the seat with the registration papers and key inside. Got that lkr for $600, sold the 3/4 sized "Harley" replica for $500 to the storage property manager who gave it to his grand-son.

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2011, 06:41:32 PM »
I don't know if that is possible or not...seems like it would be possible. Check it out in Illinois and let us know.

I also got a motorcycle in another lkr. This one the auctioneer walked in, found a baggy on the seat with the registration papers and key inside. Got that lkr for $600, sold the 3/4 sized "Harley" replica for $500 to the storage property manager who gave it to his grand-son.

I used to buy and sell old bikes mostly 70's Honda CB 750's and things like that. I think in the past I had come across some sites where you can do title searches but of course you have to pay.

I'll have to see if the state of IL has anything on the DMV where you can search for free.

Personally I would just have a buddy or relative do it for me, got a couple cousins and uncles who are cops.

On a totally unrelated note anyone else have trouble with the screen jumping around crazy when trying to type under the quote after quoting someone?

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Re: PODS Vs Regular Storage
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2011, 06:48:12 PM »
Yes, the jumping happens...annoying. You can just quit and type another response to finish your thoughts.

How many item listings to you do in a regular months time?

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