Storage Auctions

storage auction pay listings

storage auction pay listings
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:54:37 PM »
are there any good sites to find listings
auction zip does not have them all
i went to a sale last week and heard all these places they were going but no one will say where they find them

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2011, 06:49:17 PM »
Also, the answer to your question(s) can be found via the search button.  You don't need to "pay" to find all the listings in your area.  You just have to do a little work.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2011, 06:52:43 PM »
i have done lots of work and still am missing the big listings

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2011, 07:19:01 PM »
Contact the storage places in your area.You usally can get on a email or mail list.They can also tell you where they list the auctions.Good luck!

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Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2011, 07:31:00 PM »
Check Craigslist and your local newspaper.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2011, 11:29:46 PM »
I'm a super-newbie and all I can say is research, research, research.  And after you've researched, do some more research.

You can't expect people who have been doing this for years to tell a new guy where to go.  I know I wouldn't expect it.  In fact, I like doing my own research.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2011, 07:19:19 AM »
be courteous.  That is something that is truly dying in this world.  A simple please and thank you can take you much further than the whining or grumping that is so common today.

If you want to be in the 'in' crowd treat others with respect.....that includes your fellow bidders, the facility managers and yes.....the auctioneer.  You'd be amazed at what it can net you.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2011, 08:11:47 AM »
laugh rockin - now think about it for a min....but how many of the other people you saw your first week or two out or that started with you is sitll doing it?

Even people I only saw at a specific auction or two have started to die away.  Of course we have had 30 new more people start to show up.

I ask as when I started back in June there was a good dozen newbies in what I think of as the starting class.  Only Two - Three of us are still doing it 7 months later.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2011, 08:41:59 AM »
how many of the other people you saw your first week or two out or that started with you is sitll doing it?

Can't think of one.  They pretty much all quit. 

I went to numerous auctions alone (quite intimidating for a woman, let me tell ya) before I even had an inkling of bidding.  Then did so reluctantly, as I was using my husbands money ('s ours, but I was terrified of making a bad decision and then it would have been on the other hand if I rocked still would have been his ***sigh***) and didn't like the risk of blowing it.

Fast forward to today and my husband is once again self-employed and able to go to the auctions with me.  Money is available without cutting into the 'savings' and I have a bit of a's more a limp, but you get the gist.   :)

This definitely isn't a 'job' for the instant gratification crowd~contrary to what they portray on TV.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2011, 08:44:59 AM »
I do agree with a little kindness and manners go's along way unless your on the phone or texting while in line to see a unit than you will get pushed out! ;D

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2011, 09:08:09 AM »
I do agree with a little kindness and manners go's along way unless your on the phone or texting while in line to see a unit than you will get pushed out! ;D

My mother taught me many moons ago.....
Two wrongs don't make a right.  Very few are courteous in this (or any other) business.  I have been pushed and shoved and oh don't even get me started on the smell.....try one of these things in Tucson in the summer.....ewwwww.....Can we use a little deodorant people?!

I've told a couple auctioneers here that I'm going to write an auction etiquette pamphlet that they can hand out before the start of each auction.  Funny nobody listens to the #1 rule of 'Women and children first'.........luckily I'm long and lean and can outwalk the best of 'em.

I give as good as I get, but when first starting out and not knowing the ropes, it really does help to be polite and yes.....perhaps a bit humble~

Mom lecture over now........

ps....brush your teeth, eat your veggies and by all means.......use the deodorant.   :D

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Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2011, 10:54:33 AM »
laugh rockin - now think about it for a min....but how many of the other people you saw your first week or two out or that started with you is sitll doing it?

Even people I only saw at a specific auction or two have started to die away.  Of course we have had 30 new more people start to show up.

I ask as when I started back in June there was a good dozen newbies in what I think of as the starting class.  Only Two - Three of us are still doing it 7 months later.

Nobody from my "starting class" is still around and buying consistently at auctions anymore. I did see one guy last week who had disappeared for a couple of months came back out but he is very timid about bidding on anything. Many of the people who are regulars or who started just before me have gone. I can think of at least six regulars who have dissappeared and 3 others whose buying has decreased tremoundously. There is still a pretty good crowd of summer newbies hanging on, about six or so who come out and actively bid. It will be interesting to see how many of those summer newbies will be around come next spring. Wow, thinking about all those "fast friends" I made last year and the early part of this year and how many of them I don't see anymore is a little depressing.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2011, 11:40:09 AM »
Lol - so glad I don't have the pushing and shoving issue in my area.  People trip / loose their balance sometimes when trying to stand on toes to look over the top.  But always it's "I'm sorry or pardon me".

As for the smell - think I've grown use to it during the summer. 98+ temps and 100% humidity just makes everyone stink after an hour of storage unit sales.

Honestly all - the pay sites can be good info if they specialize to one area.  The majority of them are not worth the money.  It's for people too lazy to do their own research or make calls.

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Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2011, 02:27:01 PM »
Can't blame a gal for trying~

And I pray you didn't take me seriously.......

Funny rockin... We have not found pushing and shoving, Well my husband is 6'2" so nobody really pushes him. And I don't go in with the crowd. Stand on opposite side of unit if there is an incline I can see pretty good, or just wait for the crowd to back away. When I do get in there I usually step on some one when trying to get out of the way. LOL Then Like Craiglstauction said "I'm sorry or pardon me".

On the pay thing I don't, not one that does my area and have found most of them on my own. But with our current prices  the search on outside areas and putting them all together to decide where to go gets time consuming. And we are still noobies trying out different places and comparing them to the ones we know.

Re: storage auction pay listings
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2011, 07:25:10 PM »
Contacting storage facilities in your area sounds like a good plan. They have a vested interest in getting as many bidders as possible so they should be all over themselves to get the word out.

You might also check what the law requires in your state. In Texas, the law clearly states that notice must be posted in a widely circulated newspaper in the county in which the storage facility is located.  If there is no widely circulated newspaper, then notice must be posted on the unit itself and in 5 other prominant locations nearby.

If all else fails, you can ask the regulars here. I have no doubt, they'll tell you exactly where to go and what you can do when you get there, ;D

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