Storage Auctions

Thrift stores/goodwill

Thrift stores/goodwill
« on: January 28, 2012, 11:06:06 PM »
So I just had my first flea market experience as a vendor. I made some profit and want to go out again next week. I've got some stuff from friends that they want me to sell for them for a percentage but I still want to get more inventory. One of the regulars at the flea told me that just starting out we should focus mostly on thrift stores and goodwill picking. He said that one thing he found was that kids' jackets and hats with sports team's logos on them sell for around a buck at goodwill and you could get $3 for them all day at the flea. Any other ideas as to what I should look out for?

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Re: Thrift stores/goodwill
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 08:18:15 AM »
I have found recently that both Goodwill and Salvation Army (in my area) are doing research on the better items that look like they might be worth more...this would be on electronics, etc that I look at.

I found an item at SA that had a printout from the internet fastened to it. Internet price was $1,000. They had it stickered for $300. I went to the furniture section and sat down with my iPad and eBay showed one listed at $500 and it was the 2nd time around as completed showed it had not sold before at $500 and it was the only completed. I passed on that one.

On the other hand at the SA daily auction of as-is items, I found an item which I got for $20 which I think I can sell for $80 or so. It is for owners of those big $250K to $500K motorhomes and sells new for $125 to $150.

I haven't been to one of those SA auctions for about 7 years, but have decided to start going for single items; the 4' square wire bins are of little interest to me.

Re: Thrift stores/goodwill
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 10:32:56 AM »
Do you have a St. Vincent De Paul store near you? Their prices seem to stay really low.  I don't buy clothes for resale, but they do have sportswear name brand jackets for $4. Another plus is they always check the electronic and electric things, so you know they work. There is one close to me that I almost always score some good things that make money.

Our SA are getting pretty pricey. They opened a bigger one not too far away, but I found it to be dirty and quite expensive.

Goodwill is one of my favorites, but you have to know when to go. I am on the line between 2 different "franchises". One gives you points with so much you spend that you can use for discounts. The other stores has Sunday and Mondays, certain sticker prices are 50% off. I like to go either when they first open in the morning (as they bring out new stuff right before) or closer to closing.  It is harder to find good things in certain ones because they go up for auction on  Now if I could only get the prices they bring in on that website!

Re: Thrift stores/goodwill
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 05:13:05 PM »
I have found recently that both Goodwill and Salvation Army (in my area) are doing research on the better items that look like they might be worth more...this would be on electronics, etc that I look at.

I found an item at SA that had a printout from the internet fastened to it. Internet price was $1,000. They had it stickered for $300. I went to the furniture section and sat down with my iPad and eBay showed one listed at $500 and it was the 2nd time around as completed showed it had not sold before at $500 and it was the only completed. I passed on that one.

On the other hand at the SA daily auction of as-is items, I found an item which I got for $20 which I think I can sell for $80 or so. It is for owners of those big $250K to $500K motorhomes and sells new for $125 to $150.

I haven't been to one of those SA auctions for about 7 years, but have decided to start going for single items; the 4' square wire bins are of little interest to me.

Movie, I was in a GW the other day and they had a pair of Infinity RS-2's with rotted surrounds and they had them at 38.95...even though I repair speakers, at that price, after time and materials there is no money left to be made

Re: Thrift stores/goodwill
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2012, 11:01:34 PM »
Check goodwill on Mondays.They usally have a color tag that is only 99 cents for that day.You woul be suprised what you can find.

Re: Thrift stores/goodwill
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2012, 06:40:17 AM »
Cloths I stay away from.  Heck - I donate boxes upon boxes of them to Goodwill each month.  Electronics, and tools I'll research and buy.  Have sometimes found craftsman, snap-on, etc. tools for $.50 to $1 in various stores.  Guy next to me this weekend at the flea said he takes all the rusted, pitted, etc. craftsman back to sears for tradein.  Then waits a month or so and takes the new packages back to the store for gift cards.  I could see that working around Christmas but who knows if that works all the time.

My biggiest problem is I need to learn how to test electronics or repair them.  I have multiple older stero systems that power up but no speaker to test.  Also have 3 car radio amps, a box of car radios, two-way mixer, etc. from this last unit.  Don't want to scrap them till I know they don't work or are worthless.

Anyone shop Goodwill Outlet stores?

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