Storage Auctions

Who are the real experts at this business?

Who are the real experts at this business?
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:22:12 AM »
Searching information on Google, and came across this guy Glendon Cameron.  I'm sure if you google him, you'll find his blog.

anyway, I'm sure there are several people out there referring to themselves as experts in the biz.  However, as I'm a little skeptical, is paying for their information really necessary?


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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 09:53:55 AM »
What makes an expert?

I believe experience makes an "expert".

When I started I knew next to nothing about buying and selling household goods, but with time I learned about both.
I made mistakes, I had sucessess. My experience doesn't make me a complete "expert" but I certainly know more about this biz than someone who has bought zero to 10 lkrs.  The person who has bought 10 lkrs is more an expert than the person who has bought one lkr. I continue to learn with each lkr bought (or lost).

I personally don't believe you need to pay for books (most of which would amount to a pamphlet) or even for lists of auctions, since both types of info are free at many places on the internet. Sure, you'll pick up a few tips from an ebook, but nothing you can't find by READING here on this forum in the many theads. Want to find out about a SPECIFIC area of interest (lists, prices, what sells, what doesn't, laws regarding lkr sales, etc), just push the search button at top of the screen and type in your area of interest; with a little time spent there you will find many answers.

As to Glendon's stuff, personally I can't relate to him. Watch one or two of his YouTube videos and judge for yourself. He is no longer buying lkrs. He is selling his "knowledge" instead.

All of the above is MY OPINION and what works for me. Other people will have their opinions and those opinions have value too. It will be up to you to make decisions about what works for YOU.

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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 12:02:20 PM »

In my opinion Glendon Cameron is an expert on the storage auction industry. I purchased one of his books and this is my advice to you. If you have done zero research into the business, have not attended any auctions, and no nothing about storage auctions, then his book(s) would be a good investment. In my case I had already started buying lockers before I purchased his book, so most of the information I had already learned on may own and in some cases already made some of the mistakes he warns against. I would suggest watching his videos on YouTube, there are about 180 videos devoted to storage auctions and you will get 75-80% of the information in the book(s) from the videos. If you like what you see purchase the book(s).

Don't expect Glendon or any other source or forum to tell you step-by-step how to take $500 to the storage auctions and two years later have a chain of thrift stores in your city/region.

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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2011, 12:50:02 PM »
I could not agree more with the value of experience. Like Movieman suggested, use this forum to answer questions and discover things to watch out for. I use this forum as a guide because I respect those who have done what I want to do. Why pay for something that costs nothing here? I watched his videos online, but I firmly believe going to auctions, bidding, winning a unit, cleaning out, digging thru everthing, finding good suff in the bottom of the last box can only be experienced. I was able to experience it for the first time last week and no book could do it justice.

Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2011, 05:13:51 PM »
Thats the great thing about the forums.You can learn some of the good things and bad things through other peoples experiences.

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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2011, 09:33:47 PM »
IMO this is better than Glendon's book because we can all chat in almost real-time.  We can read all the info in his book, apply it and be successful (I almost bought the book) or you can make friends here and become involved in this kick ass forum community and we can all get better together.

Good point millertime. my same thoughts and exactly how i started this cool journey...Congrats on bustin your cherry!  Took me back to a month ago when i got my first and was sweating my ass off in a 5x5!   I am hoping to win a third one tomorrow- 5 facilities and 40 units up for grabs.

Good luck to all and enjoy the dig!!!!


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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2011, 12:03:54 AM »
Glendon in my opinion, is an expert in this field, but he is also an expert in marketing. That is his thing, marketing and selling himself, and he is real good at that. I bought his book, and for me, I was a little disappointed, alot of it is common sense, HOWEVER, for people that know very little to nothing at all, his book will help tremendously. For me, I learned some, not as much as I was expecting. So that choice will be yours if you buy his book. I do not know how much you already know, so I cant recommend the book to you, and its only because I do not know what you know in this business.

Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2011, 12:59:52 AM »
I have a suggestion for you if you do decide to buy his book.  Place an ad in the Wanted section of this forum and buy it from someone who has already read it and does not need it anymore.  It will take care of your curiosity and will help someone unload the book they no longer want/need.

Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2011, 08:14:18 AM »
thank you all for the suggestions.  my wife and I agree that we will stick to learning from these forums and experience, instead of spending money to buy any books.

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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2011, 06:03:04 AM »
Why on earth would you trust the information provided by someone who is trying to sell you something? That's like relying on the claim of the the used car salesman that the engine is sound.
Of course the storage auction business is peachy keen in Glendon's eyes, he's making 20K a month in book sales and YouTube advertising.

I think Glendon was probably as good as most of us are now. He is a self proclaimed guru who doesn't possess magical powers or hidden secrets. He is just a regular guy who probably made a little money in the storage auction business and then realized that he could make a lot more money recording endless chatter on YouTube. He hasn't been in the business in years and he has really lost touch of reality. The other day I heard him referring to the storage auction reality shows as a benefit to storage auction buyers. Is he serious? I will admit, some of his videos are entertaining, although severely drawn out. Take what he says with a grain of salt because a lot of his reasoning doesn't apply in today's storage auction business.

Why buy his books when you can get less biased information on this forum?

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Re: Who are the real experts at this business?
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2011, 09:16:07 AM »
Why on earth would you trust the information provided by someone who is trying to sell you something?

That's like relying on the claim of the the used car salesman that the engine is sound.

This is amazingly funny !      ;D   

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