You have spoke with the MANAGERS of the the facilities, who have nothing to do with how the auctions are handled. The turn around process for the facilities is actually quicker because most facilities only hold auctions twice a year. With our concept the facilities can post their auctions throughout the year without having to wait. Just because some of the bidders, like yourself may not like the concept, it will be the norm in the future.
Wrong, i have spoken to the State managers for several big chain. Right title is district manager. They run all the facillities here in Tennessee. They work directly under the main headquarters, so this is far from some lokal live on site manager.
You said most facillities holds auctions twice a year. Newsflash for you, most facillities holds auctions once a month.
Most facillities have high demands on units, some chains here in TN can't rent out fast enough. Thats why they give you 24 hours to clean it out.
Some facillities here in TN have waiting lists for new tennants.
So with your concept, it would be funny to see how you could help the facillities to rent out faster when it takes a week to conduct a auction thru you guys. Where normal auctions takes 48 hours.
The biggest problem would be with the buyers, no serious buyers will use this form, so that would mean less bidders, and less income from the auctions for the facillities.
This concept is like most things that are new, comes as a flash and dies just as fast. I am sure you will hook up a few storage facillities, but in the long run it will fade out, when they see all the hazzle and negative things this brings with it.
One other thing is; do you have an auctioneer license? according to many states, the company who conduct auctions and then for storage facillities must present a valid auctioneer license.