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Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?

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Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2011, 03:03:46 PM »
I have to agree. I personally havn't and won't get involved with these types of auctions. I don't trust them I also don't think it makes sense for buyers or for storage facilities.

Also, some facilities in my area have several auctions per month not always a lot of units but several auctions throughout the month. I don't know of any facilites near me that only have one or two per year

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #16 on: March 19, 2011, 03:08:18 PM »

You know exactly what you are talking about. All I have to tell you is make sure you do your hw if you want to start something like this.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #17 on: March 19, 2011, 03:13:24 PM »
That just depends...

Originally, I thought the same thing. But the storage facilities that don't use auctioneers don't have to have a license.
He is merely posting the auction for the facility. The grey area is whether he can accept payment.
If the funds went directly to the facility, I see no legal issue. Since he does accept the payment, he is acting as an auction site and may be subject to the same rules as an auctioneer. Plus he is open to the same type of lawsuit if the unit was sold without proper paperwork. More research needs to be done.

As long as they auction off stuff with a registerd lien on it, the state law is pretty clear.
If he conducts business for them and take commission from the bidders, he must have an auctioneer license. What the storage facillities many times have is that they have their own auctioneer license, then the store managers are apprentices under them. And thats the law, to become an auctioneer, you have to do a 80 hour course and a 2 year as an apprentice. This is how they get away with it.

Running an auction site like Ebay is something totally different as that is an auction between two parties for used stuff sold by a company or a private person. No liens on any of the products.  Storage units has been published with a lien on it, therefor he state demand it to be sold by certified people/companies.

As an auctioneer you also have to have insurence of a minimum 200.000.00 dollars. There is also a bunch of other rules that he has to forfill, if he does not, he is running an illegal business.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #18 on: March 19, 2011, 07:13:08 PM »
We have a handfull of places here that have auction once or twice a year.

Most places have them once a month. 15%) is nothing when you look at the volume of facillities.

Like i said in my other thred, does he have a auctioneer license, if he don't he is ****ed. And he is then committing a fedral crime.
Thisnk i am gonna take a phonecall to his homestate and see if he has one. And if he does business across state lines that is something else, because then he needs multiple licenses.

I want to ask you a question. And I ask this in all seriousness. Why are you so angry? Not just in this thread but others as well.

If you are against something, rather than let it roll off your back, you take it as a personal slight. Why do you really care? If the guy fails, he fails. But you want to start meddling with his business for no gain...just to be a prick. Well, that's pathetic. I really can't stand people who piss in others Cheerios. Perhaps it's jealously.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #19 on: March 19, 2011, 07:14:45 PM »

You know exactly what you are talking about. All I have to tell you is make sure you do your hw if you want to start something like this.

I want to bid on a unit on your website located in NY.
Since it says i have to present a recipt to prove that i have paid an invoice from Storeage auction depot.
This means the full biddingprice + 13% fee, before i can empty the unit.  But before i register and make a bid, i want to see a auctioneer license, i also want to see an business license for your company. So i can make sure i am buying from a certified  and registerd company. I also need proof that all your services are coverd by a secured trust thru a FTC approved bank in NY state, as according to auctioneer law and rules.

If this is not provided, i will assume you don't have it.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #20 on: March 19, 2011, 07:19:49 PM »
I want to ask you a question. And I ask this in all seriousness. Why are you so angry? Not just in this thread but others as well.

If you are against something, rather than let it roll off your back, you take it as a personal slight. Why do you really care? If the guy fails, he fails. But you want to start meddling with his business for no gain...just to be a prick. Well, that's pathetic. I really can't stand people who piss in others Cheerios. Perhaps it's jealously.

Not angry at all. I just want to make sure it is legal and done right.
It is also my oppinion that this is a stupid way of doing auction. I have every right to make that statement.

If you can respect that, well then thats your problem.

I am not jealous at all, why should i be? i run several very successful companies in Europe + a real estate business here in the USA.

I am more happy buying the storage lockers then selling them.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #21 on: March 19, 2011, 07:33:21 PM »
Mr. Anderson,

We would be more than happy to discuss our business to you. Please send us an e-mail via our web site. Theres no reason to be negative about our business and I would be more than happy to show you anything you want. One question? You talk bad about our business, but you want to use our services?


Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #22 on: March 19, 2011, 07:34:10 PM »
Not angry at all. I just want to make sure it is legal and done right.
Why? Are you an official for the Consumer Protection Agency?

It is also my oppinion that this is a stupid way of doing auction. I have every right to make that statement.
Of course you have that right. But why not let it go at that? Say it's stupid and move on. Why are YOU the investigator of all that is legitimate? Why not let others lose their money. Hence, more for you.  

If you can respect that, well then thats your problem.

I am not jealous at all, why should i be? i run several very successful companies in Europe + a real estate business here in the USA.
Most very successful people have little time to bother with what underling companies are trying to do. Do you think people like Bill Gates, Michael Dell or heck, Oprah Winfrey worried about every start-up across the US? Nah, they were too busy minding their business.

I am more happy buying the storage lockers then selling them.

Offline Travis

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Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #23 on: March 19, 2011, 08:05:51 PM »
I want to ask you a question. And I ask this in all seriousness. Why are you so angry? Not just in this thread but others as well.

If you are against something, rather than let it roll off your back, you take it as a personal slight. Why do you really care? If the guy fails, he fails. But you want to start meddling with his business for no gain...just to be a prick. Well, that's pathetic. I really can't stand people who piss in others Cheerios. Perhaps it's jealously.

Right on man....Fight the power!

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #24 on: March 19, 2011, 08:46:00 PM »

Well i am not on Bill Gates level. But as a memeber of this forum, i can and will speak my mind. When they put out claims i find wrong or maybe even a little on the edge, yes i make it my case to find out if it is like they claim and say.

The storage auction business has it's problems, the last thing we need are more problems. Since we don't know what they offer and if it follows the rules, well then i want to make sure for my own part that they are. Since they list TN state on their website i want to know if they have the license they need for TN. As a consumer i have the right to know, and i want to know.

Here is another scenario, if he has all the licenses in order, he has to by law make it public, that meaning he must put his license number on his website, something his is not doing. That tells me he is not able to hold legal auctions in TN. And then it will affect me as a possible bidder. I personally have nothing against them. But i want things to be by the law, when they offer auctions in my state.

If you was gonna go to a doctor or dentist that was bragging online about a new method of treatment, wouldent you make sure he had the license to do these treatments? Woulden't you check things out before you contacted them and made an appointment???   Thought so.

Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #25 on: March 20, 2011, 06:56:20 AM »
Well i am not on Bill Gates level. But as a memeber of this forum, i can and will speak my mind. When they put out claims i find wrong or maybe even a little on the edge, yes i make it my case to find out if it is like they claim and say.

The storage auction business has it's problems, the last thing we need are more problems. Since we don't know what they offer and if it follows the rules, well then i want to make sure for my own part that they are. Since they list TN state on their website i want to know if they have the license they need for TN. As a consumer i have the right to know, and i want to know.

Here is another scenario, if he has all the licenses in order, he has to by law make it public, that meaning he must put his license number on his website, something his is not doing. That tells me he is not able to hold legal auctions in TN. And then it will affect me as a possible bidder. I personally have nothing against them. But i want things to be by the law, when they offer auctions in my state.

If you was gonna go to a doctor or dentist that was bragging online about a new method of treatment, wouldent you make sure he had the license to do these treatments? Woulden't you check things out before you contacted them and made an appointment???   Thought so.

This could be a simple fact of you misinterpreting my question. You have no intention of being their customer, so again, why do you care? Whatever happened to caveat emptor?

For example, there are a gazillion car repair facilities near me. Do I bother investigating them to ensure they all are ASE certified? Uh no, because I'm never going to use some of them. However...if I WAS going to use one, I would check credentials. To check on the rest would just be silly and a huge waste of time.

You already stated that you will NEVER use this type of auction. So be it. I won't either. But, I'm not going to waste my time checking every credential. I leave that to investigative reporters and state officials.

Perhaps you're being smug with your "Thought so" comment. Please don't assume that you know what anyone else would do in a situation. It sounds demeaning.

Offline Travis

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Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #26 on: March 20, 2011, 08:14:15 AM »
You said that "the storage auction business has it's problems and the last thing we need is more problems". Perhaps his website will be part of the solution.  In the early 1900's people mocked the Wright brothers and their "flying machines". Look where we are at now, our entire world is accessible in hours. At one point in time, people said that cars would never catch on because they were to expensive for the average worker. If all people thought like you we would still be riding horses. There is nothing wrong with trying something new and I applaud your creativity.

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Re: Now this is different ! A new auction concept ?
« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2011, 09:53:09 AM »
Since the last posts on this thread in late March, has anyone ACTUALLY used this service?
If so, what's the verdict?

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