Hello everyone,
Disclaimer - I am an employee of Sealed Online Bids - A central resource for online storage auctions.
I know some of you are familiar with us, and I know a few of our members actually post here.
After a quick search I found a few posts regarding our service and I wanted to clarify a couple things regarding some comments that were made, then open this up to any questions, comments or feedback you may have. Fire away.
First off, contrary to our business name, we do NOT operate under the sealed or silent bid format. That was our original intent, but it was quickly dismissed. Our auctions are standard live format, just like eBay, etc. We will be changing our name at some point soon, to alleviate any confusion. We do actually provide the option for self storage businesses to conduct sealed or live format auctions, but everyone of course chooses "live" as their preferred format.
Yes we are expanding across the US and Canada. Currently our staff is deploying a team of sales reps in nearly every key city in the US. Right now we are in Nevada, Utah, Ohio, Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Illinois, Iowa, Arizona and California. Like I said, many more are on their way.
Our team makes certain that the companies we work with abide by the laws and cross every T and dot every i. In the beginning I went along with one of the biggest self storage companies in the US, to witness their entire legal process (cutting locks, photographing contents, etc) to get a firsthand look at what is done. I have done this with many others and they all are very strict - foul play is a a big misconception. I'm sure it happens out there somewhere, but not with us.
If you have questions, feedback, comments, etc. feel free to speak up. We're all about customer service and want to make sure we're doing what we need to, to make this work great for everyone.