Storage Auctions
The Marketplace => Selling Venues => Other Forms of Selling => Topic started by: rulesforrebels on March 14, 2011, 09:31:14 PM
Picked up a unit the other day that was a small office type unit. I guess they were some type of timeshare mlm program or something like that.
I have several hundred cards that are good for a 5 day 4 night vacation in cancun mexico. I guess these would be given away if you attended a time share presentation for going and listening.
What would you think these are worth and how would you go about selling them?
I was going to try ebay but their travel policy is you have to personally book the trip, can't be third party stuff. I'm not a travel agent dont own this resort so cant list. talked to someone at ebay to see if I could put it in the gift card section but that's not allowed either.
Any idea on value and suggestions on how to get rid of alot? I know I could do craigslist but I have several hundred if not thousand of these cards so not really practical. I would have loved to do ebay as huge audience and its easy to ship, no need to meet up with everyone but thats not gonna work.
Good luck.
Thinking about maybe reaching out to some insurance guys, financial planners, etc. people who often have dinners and things trying to attract customers. I actually went to one of these at a nice italian place the other night for a financial advisor guy. ANyhow, figure maybe reach out to some of these guys to sell in bulk, they can give them to clients or people they are trying to get as clients.