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PayPal Permanently Limited With No Appeal? What Options Are Available For Me?

I have been limited permanently by PayPal for unusual account activity just recently. Considering it is PayPal, they never tell you the exact reason why they limit me. I tried calling them, but they kept giving me the run around and stating unusual activity when in fact nothing of my transactions or activity differed at all.

Now my question is, is it possible to ever use PayPal again? Has anyone got a permanently limited PayPal reinstated?
Has anyone been able to create a new account without being limited?

Any help would be appreciated.

Offline Travis

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Technically you're not supposed to have multiple PayPal accounts, but I have several. I switched to Stripe for my business credit card processing after my PayPal account got hacked and PayPal denied the claim. I filed a Better Business Bureau complaint against PayPal and then they retaliated by permanently cancelling my account. It must be nice to have so much business that you can afford to delete customers on a whim.   

I tried appealing the cancellation several times, all of which were denied. Don't waste your time. Just create another account. You can even use the same name or a business name, same phone number, address, bank account number, etc.

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