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Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers

Offline MovieMan

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Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« on: October 02, 2013, 01:12:32 PM »
This has been talked about a bit but a fresh look might be in order as fall and winter brings an end to
this kind of sale in some parts of the country.

Do you cruise garage sales at the end of the day to see if you can buy the entire lot?

If it looks like it might sell (for you) around $100, what would you offer for it?

Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2013, 09:08:36 PM »
I used to do this, but now when I'm looking to buy, I prefer to go early and get the better stuff. What I've noticed is that people want to get off to a great start and put some cash in their pocket right away.

The problem I've experienced when going later in the day, is that people overvalue their stuff. If I go in and offer $50 on $100 worth of stuff, I get scoffs and dirty looks. Not always, but more often than not. Now, if I go later in the day, I drop my card and say, "I own a small thrift store, when you're done for today, give me a call and I'll come and pick up your leftovers."

I get a bunch of calls! However, much of it is really not worth selling.

Offline Cobia

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Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2013, 09:33:28 PM »
I tried that for a while but really didn't have much luck. Like HomeGrown said, most people over value what they have left and seem like they would rather put it all back in the garage then just sell it and be done with it.

Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2013, 07:05:43 AM »
I don't like buying at the end of the day either but then again I don't have a place to move many of the items.  I have had good luck getting there early to pick.  I have specific items in mind i.e. hdmi cables, computer power cords, monitor cords, and nice clothing.   I once bought 20 Ralph Lauren shirts for $15 and a ton of designer baby clothes for a quarter each by going early.  The cables I usually pick up for a quarter or two each. 

Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2013, 02:21:09 PM »
I like going late and seeing if things have been moved to the free box. Several times I have found a yard full of stuff with a free sign on it.  Great way to get scrap. Once got a truck load of books, took right to halfprice books and got $34 for about 30 minutes of work late on a Sunday. Usually the stuff left at the end of a sale is not worth much but Free is always good never pass metal object up if they are free.

Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2013, 07:07:12 PM »
There is many people in my area that advertise "buy all your leftover yard sale items".  See the signs on trucks, on craiglist, etc.  For myself I start in the morning and keep trying till noon when most yard sales are done.  For the most part it just all depends on the seller.  If they want the stuff gone and you come in and offer X for a bunch of stuff they will take it.  If they LOVE their stuff they don't take any offers except retail or even higher.

Now - we have many people bring leftover stuff to the store for us to buy.  We love this as we get to pick and choose what we want, and pay the price we want.  Don't get to buy every time but 9 out of 10 people that come in sell to us at our prices.

Re: Garage/Yard Sale Leftovers
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 11:29:53 AM »
I visited a moving/estate sale yesterday and bought some really nice stuff. Coach and Kate Spade purses, some antiques. I gave them my card for the thrift shop and said, "If you guys are looking to unload some stuff at the end of the day, let me know and I'll swing by and pick it up." They called me and I boxed up all their leftovers and brought it back to the shop for free!

I got tons of antiques, old books, old decks of cards, ashtrays from Vegas. Tory Burch shoes, crystal collectibles, military stuff. It was a great haul and I didn't pay a cent for it!

How often do you have a yard/garage sale?

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