Storage Auctions

Picks 01.26.2014

Offline Alias300

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Picks 01.26.2014
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:16:27 PM »
Picked a game table today for $100. Still with original leather top.   Made by A. Cutler & Sons in 1875.
They were asking $275 but was pushing end of estate sale.

It's being sold for (asking price) online for around $300-$400.   Tho, a restored one sold at auction for $800. 

Also got some really nice antique copper pieces.  Kettles and what not.  Paid $40 for a box full. Should be able to get $200+  out of them
Best part is the recycle weight is more than $40.  It would kill me to recycle them but push come to shove at least I know I won't loose money....

Will try a post pics later.....

Re: Picks 01.26.2014
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2014, 11:32:44 AM »
Nice score on that game table! You've got plenty of room to restore if you can do it yourself!

Re: Picks 01.26.2014
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2014, 12:04:13 PM »
Bought a box full of pistol holsters and mag carriers yesterday for 90 bucks.  One holster I wanted, the rest I'll sell.  Ended up being some ammo and a bunch of new cleaning supplies in the box too.  I'll keep the one holster and the cleaning supplies, sell the ammo, and I've already priced out a couple of the ammo carriers and a couple of holsters and I think I'll pull back 200-300 off of the remainder.   ;D

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