Storage Auctions

Want to be on a reality show about picking?

Offline Travis

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Want to be on a reality show about picking?
« on: August 08, 2013, 03:57:11 PM »
If you're a picker and want to be famous, here is your chance.

From Metal Flowers Media:

TREASURE HUNTERS, BARGAIN SPOTTERS, FLEA MARKET LOVERS, SAVVY PICKERS, and CASUAL COLLECTORS – if you love the thrill of the chase to find a hidden treasure, if you spend weekends meandering through flea markets, if you have a sixth sense for worthy collectibles or can sniff out a bargain or a hidden Gem from miles away, we want to meet you!

A major cable network has launched a nationwide search for pairs of treasure hunting enthusiasts to participate in a fun new series. Candidates may be any combination of men or women of any age who have undeniable will to win!

For more information, please go to (no information found) or email us your name, your partner’s name, a little bit about you both, and the best find of your life [email protected].

This is the chance of a lifetime for the right individuals!
PLEASE NOTE: You must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age and at least one of the following in order to be eligible to participate.

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