Storage Auctions

How can I sell my stuff? Do you charge a fee?

Offline Travis

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How can I sell my stuff? Do you charge a fee?
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:14:23 PM »
AnneV asked: I have a storage unit that I bought at another auction and I don't have time or patience to deal with all of the small stuff in the boxes. How can I use your site to sell this stuff and how much does it cost?

Anne, great question.

First of all, there are no fees whatsoever to use our site. If you have a storage unit you would like to resell, all you need to do is register to use the site, (which obviously you've already done) then take several quality photos of the items in your unit. Simply login, fill out the pertinent information about the auction and then post your photos. Be sure to describe the merchandise as accurately as possible. Once you publish your auction on the site, buyers can view and bid on the unit. Once the unit has sold, you will then contact the buyer and make payment arrangements. If for some reason the buyer doesn't come through, don't worry, you'll be able to contact the runner up bidders.

Hope this helps. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

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