Storage Auctions

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Messages - Ben Had

Pages: [1]
Flea Markets / Re: Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« on: March 21, 2012, 11:32:38 AM »
I'm selling the games for $1 each (all tested). The routers for probably $5 each. Just sold one last week on ebay for $21.95 + shipping.

I don't have these items inventoried, but, I know I need to get it down on paper. Probably list the lot for sale on C-list next week.

I'll send you a copy then.

Flea Markets / Anyone in the Athens Ga area?
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:25:22 PM »
I have several hundred electronic items that would be great for flea marketers. Video games, video game accessories (xbox,Wii, playstation), Ipod accessories,wireless routers, a couple of game systems and more. Letting it all go for pennies on the dollar.

This will not be an ongoing thing, but it is a great opportunity to get a lot of stuff really cheap.
I'm closing my ebay business. Must take everything or nothing. Seriously cheap.
If you are in the Athens area and are interested, please let me know via this site.

(hope I haven't violated any policies, I know you guys are always looking for deals)

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Is this for me?
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:08:04 AM »
I figure (correct me if wrong Ben) that he and wife are middle-income or higher financially and in those social circles.  People have comfort zones and certain views due to the situations they are in.

Must be pyschic.

I do like the idea about attending auctions and buying from the successful bidder items I am interested in. Other good ideas too, but this one may suit me the best. Go to a few auctions and give out cards letting them know what I'm looking for. (Thanks craiglstauction)
Thanks to all of you. I learn something valuable everytime I check in here.
And, It's FREE!

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Is this for me?
« on: December 21, 2011, 05:29:55 PM »
Yeah, I think the flea market end of the business is a killer for me, and it seems to be a large part of being successful at this.

I sell electronics on ebay, mostly returns that I buy in quantity. Spoiled to shipping small, easy to manage items.

This looks good on TV, and the wife thought it would be a good endeavor for me, but I've been around long enough to know that you don't always do something just because you can.

Thanks for the reply. I'll probably keep lurking, I enjoy reading the post here.
Good luck! (never going to get to say, "yuup" am I?) 

New to Storage Auctions? / Is this for me?
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:13:51 PM »
I've been lurking for awhile here, learning what I can to see if this is for me. Still not sure. It's the selling of the items that concerns me.
I'm an ebay Top rated Power Seller, so sells there isn't an issue. It's the other venues that worry me.

I've  noticed that most of you sell at Flea Markets, so I went to a very large one in my area a couple of weekends ago to scope it out. This a well established place with lots of big indoor buildings and acres of outdoor booths. The place gave me the creeps. It smelled bad, and the clientele is not what I'm accustomed to dealing with in my everyday life. Not for me at all. 

Craigslist? I buy stuff on there for resale on ebay sometimes, but don't like the idea of selling from my home to strangers, and it seems that meeting at an a storage facility or whatever could be hit or miss, depending on whether they show up or not.  A lot of wasted time? Maybe.

Yard sales? No.

I'm thinking that most of what you find in these lockers is clothes, kitchen stuff, and misc. furniture. Correct?
Is it worth it for someone like me that prefers ebay, to spend time and money thinking I might find something suitable for me to sell?

sorry for going so long.

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