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Messages - ThomasMaloney

Pages: [1]
Storage Auctions "In The News" / Re: Storage Treasures Changes Hands
« on: September 04, 2017, 01:49:44 AM »
Why does it really matter if the company has been bought out as long as it keeps providing storage auction services to the people who are using the portal? Let's just hope that there aren't too many radical changes, especially when it come to subscription and redemption procedures. As long as not too many things change, it really should not make a difference to all the people whether some Tom, Dick or Harry is managing the company in the background.

I personally think that you could find all sorts of treasures in ANY storage unit. It just depends on whose perspective you're using to look at those items. I mean at the end of the day, those things have got to have had some sort of value to be kept in storage right? Otherwise the whole lot might have been thrown away at some point!

It has been quite some time that the cold episode occurred but yes the suspense still lingers on until this very day. It would be great if they would appear in a comeback episode especially for them to clear the air instead of just focusing on an auction unit.

A show with high ratings will never cease to exist in my opinion. Viewers are often glued to their seat waiting for the ultimate reveal of whether that auction unit beholds treasures or just a pile of junk. This is the kind of show that sells and will continue to have upcoming seasons for sure.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Things You Personally Collect
« on: February 19, 2016, 03:23:09 AM »
I am an ardent fan of jerseys and my huge collection ranges from football jerseys, basketball jerseys, soccer jerseys, ice-skating jerseys, and everything else jerseys. I do not wear them neither do I display them out at home. I just love admiring them occasionally when I get bored with nothing much to do at home.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Most unusual sale yet!
« on: February 19, 2016, 03:03:05 AM »
Wow that is really exciting! I have never had a personal sales encounter with a famous person before but if I ever did, I think I would probably get a restraining order for having stalked the celebrity at his ship-to address!

Picker's Paradise / Re: Sentimental Pricing
« on: February 19, 2016, 02:29:48 AM »
It really depends on how keen I am on getting my hands on the item. If I could live without it, then I’d rather walk away because such a person is very persistent with his/her stand. However, if I think my mind will not be at ease going home without the item, then I’d probably give in to his/her demand but not without some heavy negotiation skills.

I'm pretty sure Brandon is still a kid and a guy at heart! Why can't he look at who he wants to look at. I'm sure a lot of married men and gay guys look at women all the time for no reason. No harm in doing so either! Haha. In any case, the truth will come to light in the episodes to come don't you think!

There was one other guy that passed away from the show too wasn't it? The big Ramone looking dude who's always wearing really tight pants and throwing money at everyone? He committed suicide. Big shame. Apparently he was also having some sort of drug related proceedings against him.

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