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Topics - ru baby

Pages: [1]
Stories about Storage Auctions / FINALLY Bought My First Unit
« on: April 10, 2012, 02:21:27 PM »
Just got through with auction and pretty pumped about the first unit that I won.  Can't wait to get off of work, so I can go through it entirely. 

I think I might be able to either double or triple my money fairly quickly, but still have to find out exactly what everything is worth. (hopefully I find out it's worth a lot more than my unprofessional opinion)

From the moment the unit was opened, you could tell it was a business unit.  Turns out it was a fast food restaurant.

Neon light (new in box)
5-6 Heavy duty metal shelving (new in box)
Three tier metal single locker (new in box)
Two Restaurant Lights (new in box)
lots of tile (some new in box)

These are the things that I can remember right now.  I know I am leaving stuff off, but just wanted to start this thread and I will update (hopefully with pictures) soon. 

I am new (obviously by being my first unit) so any and all opinions are welcomed. 

Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / New in Memphis Area
« on: February 08, 2012, 08:26:48 AM »
Just trying to get started (or talk myself out of starting) in the Memphis area. 

If you are from this area and need some help loading and unloading units, let me know.  Figure that way, I can learn from you and you can get some cheap labor.  Don't know if this is common, but seems like a good idea to me. 

Also, if you dont mind me asking some questions about this market, then let me know.  I have plenty of them, and always interested in learning about new things. 

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