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Topics - ryan1918

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Welcome to the Online Storage Auctions Forum / I'm ryan from michigan
« on: February 26, 2012, 04:40:32 AM »
So I've been watching these shows for a while now and always been interested come to find out my dad has been doing it for a while and doing very good at it so I'm going to take a stab at it and bring about 2 friends and we are all going go throw 33% on it, that being said it's less risky we lose a lot of cash, and even if we hit a good locker I'm not greedy, Where do you go to get times/dates/locations? I've found some sites but nothing that showed local info, any tips would help, I will call the locations manually until I find a better way, this week we got 10 units for sale so wish me luck!

I will be in Saginaw, bay city, midland, flint, and surrounding areas.

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