« on: July 04, 2012, 08:30:56 AM »
They slid the door open and there it was, about a 90 year old chest that Barry always likes to buy. So in his honor I bid on the locker and wow, I got the locker for 275 dollars. After clearing my path to the trunk, I drug it ut and man it was heavy so I knew it wasn't empty. I said a little prayer and then opened the chest. WOW, to my amazement it was loaded with money, I shut it real fast so nobody could see what was in it. I finally got a guy to help me lift it and put it in back of my truck and hurried home, then my neighbor helped me get it off and and we put it in my garage and I told him it was locked and was gonna have to have a locksmith come open it. Once he left, I opened it and began counting and it took most of the night. When I finished I couldn't believe it, I had $22,478,360.00 dollars. I suspect it was a mob locker. I'm living my life in fear now but think I am going to move to the french riverara. 22 million!!!!!.......OK, now if you believe this,then you are stupid enough to believe that show is real and that the lockers are not sprinkled with goodies in some lockers,garbage in others. The show is a hoax and some are dumb enough to believe it. Some of those lockers where they profit 30K, i'm just so sure owners of lockers like that leave them and say heck with it, I don't need that 30K. That said, the show is still one of my favorites for one reason. BARRY. That guy should have his own variety show , he cracks me up, he has to be a millionaire with all those bad rides he shows up in(that is if they are really his). So if he is that rich he should just outbid Dave on every locker. Jarrod and Brandy are not believeable because why would a honey like that marry a want to be thug like Jarrod? hmmmm, guess thats all, so i'm going to go on out to my garage and roll around in my 22million. Oh one more thing, owners of thes locker complex's are usually scum of the earth so any locker that goes past due , i'm sure they open them up and steal anything of value out of them. lmao, some of you are so gullible.