Storage Auctions

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Messages - Boxlot

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New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Disicions disicions
« on: October 26, 2011, 10:28:09 PM »
money4nothing........ I have never been to an auction that you had to pay a deposit just bid, I have never even heard of such a thing.  I think you may have misunderstood what the deposit was for. I'm thinking it was for anyone who wins the locker to make sure they clean it out and not just take the good stuff and leave the trash in the locker.

Good luck with your locker you bought.

North East / Re: Took the plunge
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:21:27 AM »
Very nice locker.

North East / Re: How's things in your area?
« on: October 24, 2011, 07:00:41 PM »
Now it looks like I spoke to soon as today their was close to 50 bidders. (Monday)

Ok I go out today (Tuesday) and there were 6 bidders. This one was a silent auction. 1 bid, you write down your bid and hand it in. Highest wins. I just missed one.

North East / Re: How's things in your area?
« on: October 24, 2011, 08:04:13 AM »
I live in Lancaster Pa. and I have seen anywhere from 8 - 20 bidders at most of the auctions  I'm not far from Harrisburg but I have not been up there yet and I may not if they are getting that many people. I have been able to find 2-3 auctions a week within 30 miles from home and there may be more as there are a lot of storage lockers around.

eBay / Re: Account Sell Limits
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:19:39 PM »
How may of your 225 feedback is for selling ?  I have 122 feedback but all of mine are for buying. Now That I have started to sell I have the 10 items or $1000 a month.  You can ask to have your limits raised.

From e-bay

Increasing your limits

When you list an item, you may see a message letting you know that you have met, or are close to, one of your monthly account limits. If you can't wait until the next month to continue listing, you can click the link in the message to request higher selling limits. Some sellers may also find this link in the All Selling section of My eBay in the Monthly selling limits section.

eBay / Re: Ebay Shipping via USPS Flat Rate
« on: October 21, 2011, 04:07:35 PM »
I just listed a item on E-bay today and I was able to list my shipping cost at $12 without any trouble .  I plan on using the med flat rate box. 

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: dishonest auctioneer!
« on: October 21, 2011, 01:58:55 PM »
I would think that they would have a hard time picking over the lockers. The locker owner could show up 5 mins before the auction and pay it off. If things are missing from their locker someone would have some explaining  to do.

I have seen a total of around 60 lockers and yet to buy one, still felling things out. I'm taking to heart the saying around here "Buying is the easy part". I have done household auctions for close to 10 years and bought things that I liked or thought I could make a small profit on. As of now there are 5 auctions next week that have a total of 27 lockers but that always drops down as people pay up, so we shall see.

   I get a chuckle when I see the rifle bullets made into key chains  they sell at flea markets .

   Carrying Ammunition
A person who is carrying ammunition for a weapon but does not have the license to do so faces up to two years in jail or a maximum $500 fine for a first offense, as stated in Chapter 269.10(h)(1) of of the Massachusetts Statutes. A second violation carries a jail sentence of up to two years in jail and a fine capped at $1,000. An officer of the law is permitted to arrest a person suspected of having ammunition unlawfully without a warrant.
  Make sure You empty Your pockets before flying to any Auctions .    ;D
     possession of ammunition in the Logan airport per Chapter 90.61 of the Massachusetts Statutes. A person who unlawfully possesses ammunition in the Logan airport faces a maximum fine of $25,000 and a possible jail term of up to two years in a local prison.
   No Firearm Required  , just a 22 shell will do it .    ::)
  Don't worry , I can have My pockets Bulging anytime , and usually do .    8)

Different laws for different states. I have seen ammunition for sale at flee markets here. There is on guy set up every Tuesday at one of them. As long as he is not selling guns they will let him be.

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: Here is a dumb question......
« on: October 20, 2011, 07:39:38 AM »
Maybe just be a little more picky about what units you buy now that you know what to expect. For myself if I see mattresses or appliances I will not bid on them for now. Maybe down the road when I know what to do with stuff. What I see done around here is people will put stuff up for free on craigslist. You maybe surprised as to what you will be able to give away.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Two auctions today and no lockers for.
« on: October 20, 2011, 07:29:25 AM »
Thanks for the good report....

....and "here" is ....what state?

I am in Pa.  But what I was getting at was the facility its self always brings higher bids than most of the other ones that I have been to.

General Storage Auction Talk / Two auctions today and no lockers for.
« on: October 19, 2011, 10:45:16 PM »
I'm still checking things out to make sure that I don't over pay. First auction had 5 lkrs. 
#1 sold for a $1  it had a 4x8 pool table only.
#2 sold for a $1 weight bench with barbells and weight
#3 4 15" nice rims and tires $155 ( I saw the one who bought them, he said they are about $250 each and will look great on his Camaro
#4 $75 old beat up couch and cheap look stuff
#5 guitar and what looked to be a mixing board  $300

second auction  4 lkrs

$550   Nice looking lane loungers chairs, some good looking end tables about 15 plastic tubs closed
$750  10x20 packed looked like a whole house hold. even had a basketball pole and rim like you would see in a drive way.
$ 400 & $300. 
Prices are alway higher here.

They were looking to buy their stuff back so if they are will to pay the asking price why not ?

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Went to my first storage auction!
« on: October 18, 2011, 08:20:47 AM »
I would have to say that you were the winner as well. I would not be bring 2 grand to auctions until I got me feet wet with buying and selling what I bought. Buying is easy, Selling will be the tricky part. I bring $500 with me and don't want to spend that much.

Welcome, My whole thought on it is take it real slow. I've been going to auctions for a couple of years and picked up a couple of things that I could use or just liked. As far as storage lockers I have been going to a few over the last 2 months. I already know who a few of the regulars are and getting an idea as to what prices are being paid. I would not rush out and by a box truck at this time. You need to think about where and how you will be selling you stuff. Where will you be storing your stuff until you sell it.

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