Storage Auctions

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Messages - Ironman

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I'd say go ahead and sell some stuff not only for hat seed money but also for more experience at selling stuff which I'm certain you've already done. If you haven't set up an account with a consignmen shop or two I'd get that ball rolling soon and use some of the stuff your trying to sell now in a consignment shop so you can build rapport with the shop owners for when you really bring in the goods. Building that down line as I call it is all important, moreso than winning that first locker.

Been buying and selling in various forms for over three years as a sideline to my fulltime job. Whatever you do, DO NOT USE NEEDED 'OTHER' MONEY to take a chance on storage units. Use only what you can afford to lose without hurting yourself. Thats my first piece of advice. I started by selling items I didn't need or that were just hanging around the house as nice to have or look ats. I'm lucky as my wife has supported me whole heartedly in making this happen. That said, I laid down a rule for myself that until I sold enough stuff from my extra tools etc etc to put together 2000 in seed money that I wasn't going to get into it. Remember that besides just buying a locker (and the prices have gone up) you have gas to and from auctions (win or lose) you have hauling and dumping fees to get rid of junk, you have gas to take stuff to auctions and some consignment shops to sell and possibly some storage fees of your own if you don't have a large enough space at home to sort the locker once you get one. Remember there are these back end costs. So figure it this way............IMHO

1400 to bid with, 300 expenses and 300 dump / disposal fees. To some that may be high but that way you are safe. Again, just my opinion.

The Treasure Chest / Re: Latest Cool Stuff I've Found in Units!
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:11:24 PM »
What do you do about health insurance?

Hey Teach..........where are you at? Anywhere near Atlanta?

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Whole Bin or By the Piece?
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:54:22 PM »
Agreed, Bin Units are a no go for me. I don't even like it when the manager cuts the locks and puts their own on the day before or morning of the auction. Most managers are probably ok but it would be human nature to sneek a peek and even more human nature to just step in and have a look and then who knows what from there.................Yes it is illegal in most states and probably not that prevalant. I'd like to see state troopers run a sting on a couple facilities like rent a 10x15 stuff it 2/3 full with seized merchandize from drug raids and such and have a big screen, a gun ot two, an unopened jewelry box sitting where they could be seen but not obvious, then default on the unit and go to the auction with pictures and a complete inventory in hand. When the auction starts, Identify themselves as state troopers and that this is a sting and then inventory the unit. If anythings missing arrest the manager for theft by taking and breaking and entering for cutting the lock. A couple stings like that even if there was nothing missing and everything was legit would set the rest of the storage facilities on alert so that they would hopefully follow the laws.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Lookey Loos Part 2...February, 2011
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:12:25 AM »
Bigger crowds = inexperienced bidders = more money for the house and auctioneer...........

Agreed, the general rule is ok to look but never touch which is why I thought his last auction I went to was way overboard if not illegal to let you go into an unsold unit and rummage around.

I'd imagine that from a legal standpoint the renter of the unit is owner of all space from the threshold backward into the unit and as such you are entering without permission until the unit is sold. That said, if I were the auctioneer, I'd excersize that kind of control myself because if you don't things get out of hand and the next thing is someone stepping inside just a foot to get a better view. Rules are rules. On the other hand, I went to a weekend auction here in North Georgia and the auctioneer and owner opened up all the units to be sold an hour before the auction and let EVERYONE go into the units and rummage around. Didn't say a thing to anyone. My thought is he did that because he wanted people to know what was really in there so he'd get higher bids and in fact he did. The units he sold went for double (easily) what they should have.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Whole Bin or By the Piece?
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:17:14 AM »
That by the piece crap takes all the real profit out of doing the auction. Can't stay afloat that way so I wouldn't bother with it. I'd go to a full unit auction first.

What works for me is my Avalanche and a trailer (5x10) and if extra help, my son brings his Dodge Ram pick up. I'd suggest that if you need a new ride anyway, buy an SUV and even a small trailer. That way you get the best of both. My 5x10 cost me 500 new and you can find them for less used. Also, If it's raining, I have a 10x20 gray tarp that I lay partly in the bottom front of the trailer (so water doesn't splash up from the bottom) with the majority of it folded up on the trailer tongue. Then I load the trailer and when it's full, pull the rest of the tarp up the front of the load and over the top sort of like a Easy and keeps stuff dry and when done fold it up for the next run. 

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: LOOKY LOOS everywhere today
« on: February 02, 2011, 01:37:00 PM »
Well, I am neither part of any good ole boy club, nor a newbie in business and from the people I have seen on this forum so far, all have been positive and helpful and I find that refreshing. Having said that it appears to me that one "auction ninny" err ninga is either full of himself, full of **** or both............I'll continue to listen, learn and help others the same way I always do. There's more than enough to go around and when I bid against others it's highest bidder wins. Doesn't matter who, doesn't matter what, where or when and the best part is I hold no ill feelings or ill will when someone else wins. If what I see at an auction is worth my continued bidding, I'll bid and win, if not I'll stop when I reach what I am willing to bid. No attitude, no animosity none of that I'm the greatest ninny err ninga crap.............

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: LOOKY LOOS everywhere today
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:08:46 AM »
Personally I take exception with your Belly aching comment. Not BA about added bidders thats just business, BA'ing about looky loos who have no intenion of bidding and are there with the families like its a picnic because they saw a show. I hope anyone who is serious about this is successful (including me) but there is also no place for arrogance either........nuf said.

Stories about Storage Auctions / Re: Sunday Auction that sucked
« on: February 01, 2011, 04:42:49 AM »
Yeah, at my last auction I thought about setting off some fire crackers just to wake these people up and get them to move. Sheesh people, I understand your curiosity but look, push your stroller, grab your kids arm and move along.

I'd be happy to put up a $25 "bidders Deposit" to go look and bid. If you win one the 25 comes off the price, if not you get your 25 back at the auctions end. Also, only the bidder plus 1 other allowed in and no kids under 16 allowed. That would eliminate a lot of looky loos and whole families and turn it back into a business.

Stories about Storage Auctions / LOOKY LOOS everywhere today
« on: January 29, 2011, 06:07:03 PM »
Sheesh, I normally don't go to auctions on weekends but decided to go to one today. 11 units mostly trash bid on two and didn't win, which was ok. Problem is that the normal 10 or 12 people on the circuit had grown to over a hundred looky loos. Only 3 or 4 of us were bidding and all the rest were just crowding around taking up space and time like it was some sort of athletic event. People who must have been watching the tv shows and were curious or nosy. Women with babies in strollers, whole families of mom dad and 3 or 4 kids from age 2 to 15 or so. What should have taken an hour took three and a half.  Then on top of that when the single decent unit came up, a couple of the Looky Loo Daddies decide to show their bidding prowess and run the bids up to three times what the unit showed as worth...........The normals on the circuit (me too) just quit and walked away. Guess we'll have to put up with it until they get their taste and fill of the show..........Sorry everyone just felt like venting............ :'(

Stores / Re: I don't own a store......
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:25:33 AM »
I would absolutely agree with you that the thrift store is not the way to go. Thats nt what my intent is. I actually have a twist on the store idea that I think will fly and nope not letting anyone in on it....sorry

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