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Messages - parksleyman

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General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Frustrating Day
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:24:54 PM »
For us I'm usually the one who confronts those types.  If I want to look I’m going to look and after I cleared the path I have the wife come up.  Rude people will mess your day up.   The wife on the other hand, if she sees a rude individual wanting something she goes all out.  She don’t care what it cost they will not get it.  The daughters are the same way also.  You piss them off; you are not walking away with it.  There is always a way of getting back at them.  What they don’t realize when you piss people off, they will bid just to jack up the price.  Every dollar the price is bumped up is a dollar out of their pocket….

Craigslist / Re: I think I lost a sale...
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:26:28 AM »
That is a good idea, I will try it....

Craigslist / Re: I think I lost a sale...
« on: April 09, 2013, 12:28:50 AM »
Wow, now that is cheap. 
Going to make an attempt to sell at the flea market  this Saturday.  I told the wife that if she lets me go to a string of auctions this Wednesday I would sell some stuff Saturday. The surprise was that she agreed.  I think my biggest problem with her is that she claims all dolls, Jewelry and antique furniture. Such a little... Costly.. Price to pay.

Craigslist / Re: I think I lost a sale...
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:27:12 PM »
I think that I'm learning.  Note to self: Don't negotiate over price after working all night and your dead tired..  LoL

Craigslist / I think I lost a sale...
« on: April 08, 2013, 08:30:50 PM »
I been trying to off load this refrigerator for a couple of weeks now.  It's a appartment size 2 foot deep, 2 foot wide and maybe 5 feet tall.  Works great, and looks good except for a ding on the door.  I had it on CL for $75 and received a few calls on it, but no buyers.  I even went down to $50.  I do have a problem with giving stuff away, but still no buyers.  I noticed in the area that I'm in if you lower the price it must be junk.  Well, I relisted it and raised the price to $135.00 and later that day a guy calls asking about it.  Yep, I'm asking 135, works good.  Then he had the nerve to ask if this is the same one I was selling for 75 last week.  Yep it is, just figured I would relist it and bump up the price so I can go lower.  Then he asked about the $75 price, yep I'll take that also.  Then he again, had the nerve to ask it I would go lower or if my $75 price was firm.  Yes sir my bottem price is $75, it's a nice refrigator, I alreadly came down from $135 and I can't go any lower.   He never called back....

Leave it to the English.  They always drive on the wrong side of the road...

The Treasure Chest / Re: 1ST ATV!
« on: April 05, 2013, 12:30:25 PM »
Cool, good find...

4 ropes and a tree is all you need to make a nice yard swing. :-[

The Treasure Chest / Re: This looks like junk!
« on: April 05, 2013, 06:23:05 AM »
Congrats, on the unit.  you never know what you will find.  i was gong thru a box of junk a few dayks ago and found a little Sandisk recorder/player/FM radio the sze of a teaspoon.   Worth 20 bucks on ebay...

eBay / Re: Man I love old cameras and their accessories
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:38:22 AM »
I got an old camera setting on a pile of other junk, I think that I will part it out like you did.   The funny thing of it is a friend was telling me that he picked up an old pellet gun that didn't work and partedmitmout on ebay and made a killing...  Just the luck... Congrats...

The Treasure Chest / Re: last couple of auctions have been great
« on: April 03, 2013, 01:56:47 PM »
Congrats on the unit.  I never realized that the old amps, that are vacuum tubes types are so expensive, until I seen a friend sell one on eBay for close to 300 bucks.  It had no cover, cord and he cleaned it off with wd-40 and garden hose.  Looked like junk. 

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Box Truck or Enclosed Trailer?
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:10:39 AM »
We currently use a f-150 truck and a 19 foot flatbed trailer.  At times we borrow the son-in-laws mothers 19 foot enclosed trailer.   The enclosed trailer is much nicer to use then an open trailer.  Once your done loading it you can let it sit over night until when you get around to off loading.  He got it at an auction form $2800.  My flatbed was $1500.00.  A trailer is hard to get around, but is lower to the ground then the box trailers also.  No real upkeep and no insurance.  We sold some stuff to a lady who had some friends with a 30 footer, OMG the room in it.   Also U-Haul sells their older trucks on their website, no to bad of a price.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Setting up at a new "flea market"
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:13:29 AM »
If he is not wanting you to sign a lease, and you can pull out anytime you want it sounds like a good deal.
How much would it cost to sell at a flea market per day?  Not having to load and unload is priceless.

On a different note,  I'm in Virigina and do the auctions in Norfolk and if you need any info on them let me know.

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: I got suckered.
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:02:19 AM »
Yep, that karma thing sure does kick hard...

just wondering, What did you see in the locker that inticed you to bid on it?

Well, I seen dollar signs...  I just finished up my 12 shift at my real job, and was tired.  Last of 14 units and it was windy and cold.  The wife was not feeling good so she could not think clear either.  I thought that there would be some tall shelfs and cabinets in the back.  Well there was, old 1970's p board, water soaked junk.  What, I did learn from this.

The facility people are not your friends.
Only bid on what you see, repeat only bid on what you see.
When you bid on what you see, remember how much work it is to haul stuff to the dump.
Always check everything, before trashing it.
When you see a unit with mice crap, there is one somewhere.
Your time is valuable, only go to places that have a better chance of stuff being good..

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: I got suckered.
« on: April 01, 2013, 06:04:26 AM »
First truck load was mostly trash,  on the good side I did find my first bang bang in an old purse. Maybe worth fifty bucks.  There was a few items that I can sell.   The other good thing, the wife was not mad at me about it.  There was no I told you so's from her....  That right there was priceless...

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