Storage Auctions

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Messages - Cheesehead

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Picker's Paradise / June 13 was AUCTION DAY
« on: June 13, 2015, 11:04:44 PM »
Spent the better part of Saturday attending several auctions/estate auctions.   :13:

First one was a furniture store that went out of business.  Over 500 individual items and over 200 buyers!  One of my local big auctioneers held the sale at their warehouse.  (Mind you, it was 96 degrees here today and the ventilation was non-existant)  Anyway, there were several local store owners who were buying the bulk of the items.  I did pick up two sets of dining room chairs (8 in all) for $10 each - and promptly sold them to another bidder for $35 each - picking up a cool $200 without even moving one thing.  (He showed up late and apparently wanted these chairs!)  My favorite kind of flip.  (You can see the light colored, bleached chairs in the first photo).  We left after about 3 hours and everything we were interested in had been sold.  Wow - needed a shower after THAT!

Actually hit an estate auction that was right on the way home next.  It was a piece deal and then a real estate auction after everything else sold.   We walked in and the auction had just started.  Kind of strange to see nearly 100 people crowded into a 1500-1600 sq foot house bidding on things.  But the worst thing was the smell - it smelled like cigarettes and stale pipe tobacco.......YIKES!   :73:   We did an about-face and left.  I don't smoke, and don't mind if people do, but how in the hell am I supposed to sell items that smell like something died!  I would think there would've been an effort to freshen the place up before the auction.  Yeah buddy!

Ended the day at a local twice-a-month consignment auction house off the beaten path.  At least it normally is.  Tonight was over 100 in attendance.  I did get a 12-channel mixing board to $6 - I was in radio years ago and I don't think anyone else knew what it was.  I have already begun to take it apart and clean.  It works great and should clean up nicely.  I also got a mahogany secretary desk for $70 - which I promptly sold for $180 on site.  (Actually had two people who came late and wanted this piece - when they found out it was already sold they asked me about buying it.)  Picked up a few little kitschy things - like a few cut glass vases for $2 each that I should be able to sell on etsy/ebay (similar styles, sizes, etc. are selling for $10-20 and I'm in no hurry).

Oh yeah, there was one storage auction also today - but when I called they had cancelled due to all renters had paid up.  (Seems to be the story around here, it's like the TV shows have educated these folks.)  But all-in-all a profitable day.

Good luck out there!


Welcome Doc - there'll be no proctology jokes from me!!   :clap:

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Is the storage auction craze over?
« on: June 01, 2015, 10:50:53 PM »
In my area I haven't seen fewer buyers, just a HUGE decrease in quality.  It seems the shows have educated the renters to get their expensive stuff out before they default....or have the potential to default.   :41:

The Lounge / Re: So what's everyone been up to?
« on: June 01, 2015, 09:24:00 PM »
It's weird - around here most of the seized and police auctions are for vehicles, 4x4s, etc.  But I am hitting a HUGE local auction/sale this weekend.  Been having most luck picking at antique stores and garage sales.  We had a couple long-time antique stores go out of business recently, so was able to pick up some inventory and some turn-and-burn stuff.  And been getting a few smalls at I guess the "scramble plan" is yielding minimal success for now.

The Lounge / Re: Holey smokes..
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:18:05 PM »
I took a break from storage auctions last year after repeated junk units and high prices.  I got tired of seeing a lot of $20 rooms going for $100-200.  I used to ask myself "what am I missing?" - but when even the whales don't buy this stuff I realize it's mostly CRAP.   :73:

Good luck out there! 

The Lounge / Re: So what's everyone been up to?
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:04:42 PM »
Been selling mostly on eBay, ETSY, and Amazon  :051bye:

My area is more rural than most on this forum, and I got sick of going to low level auctions full of crap.  Even the whales weren't buying this stuff. 

Been picking a lot the last month, and planning on getting back to storage lockers in June - so will report what is happening in my area.

Good luck everyone!!   :13:

The Lounge / Re: Been away again...
« on: December 11, 2012, 02:16:16 PM »
Hey Alias - glad you're doing better.  Keep up with the curls and you'll be in Arnold's range soon!! :)

Other Forms of Selling / Re: Wondering if anyone sells on Amazon?
« on: December 10, 2012, 01:07:16 PM »
IMO eBay is better, but it's a decent oulet.  It is a great place to get rid of books (especially school books) - but as mentioned above, their fees are high.  Also, watch out for selling limits  if you aren't a "power seller" or whatever Amazon calls it, you will get dinged with tax paperwork after 50 sales (or some number like that). 

I have a friend who does Amazon full-time, sending all his stuff to them for the "Fulfilment By Amazon" - he claims to just sit back and watch the $$$ roll in.    (Of course, after the healthy shipping charge he incurs for initially sending in his inventory).

The Lounge / Re: Missing in action...
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:03:20 PM »
So between all this medical stuff to get write offs on and I have a wedding in NOLA, meetings in Yakima, WA and Oklahoma City, family stuff in Dallas plus two day trips to LA and SF (get off plane, meet up with people, rush back to catch plane that night). 

Good luck Alias and take it easy.  Also, here's a food tip.  When you're in OKC - if you have time - be sure to stop by BIG ED'S - they had the BEST burgers I've ever eaten.  It's been a few years since I've been there,and I think they only have one location left. 

Big Ed's Hamburgers
12209 N Pennsylvania Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73120
(P.S.  Don't know if he's still alive, but yes, Big Ed was indeed BIG!)

eBay / Re: Sports fans~list free now through 12/31/12~
« on: August 21, 2012, 12:50:06 PM »
I know many of us end up with sports gear from teams we'd rather not support (see me with Dallas & Green Bay~sorry cheesehead~football items), so this seems a good way to move some of those unwanted items that nobody at the flea will pay your prices for~

Time to get my Bud Grant autographed 8x10s listed!! :D :D

Picker's Paradise / Re: Estate Sales
« on: August 06, 2012, 10:41:18 PM »
Sorry to hear that Alias.  Sometimes the items are "sentimentally" priced!!   :P :P

Went to a sale like that this weekend.  Arrived early, and noticed three cars with out-of-state license plates in the driveway.  Then went inside and they had a long banquet-type table set up in the living room with five family members sitting there with a cash box.  YIKES - no auction company, this sucker was being run by the family.  And let me tell you, they were IN LOVE with their stuff.  It was Grandma and Grandpa's house - which was full, but full of beat up over-priced stuff.

Birdseye maple dresser with cracks all over it - $450!!
Mahogany dining table = $650!!
Upholstered three-piece 1950s living room chairs - $225 each!  (Not for the set)
Beat up two-drawer metal filing cabinets - $30 each
Even the books were $2-3 each!!

At this point, I was hoping one of the "family members" was a banker, because I needed to take out a loan to purchase anything!!  WOW!

BTW - this was a Saturday - we went back Sunday and everything was marked down 10% - WHAT A DEAL!!  Needless to say, we didn't notice anyone buying anything.  Pretty disappointing.  I asked one of the daughters Sunday if they would negotiate on a couple old lamps and a rocking chair - her response "well.....suppose I could take off another 5%"  (At this point the house was still full of stuff - See ya!!!!!)
 ??? ??? ???

New to Storage Auctions? / Re: I have another question
« on: August 06, 2012, 10:13:40 PM »
All of the places around me make you sign in.  The difference is, some just require a name and phone number, while some others actually copy your license.

Also, our caravans usually list individually in the legal notices, but have the same starting time.  U-Haul is a good example - they list six different locations/auctions, but the starting time is always 8am for every one.  They always start at the same place, and hit the six facilities in the same order every month. 

Like Craig said, makes things move along without a lot of waiting.   ;D

Any action in Walla Walla!!?? 

Very few in Seattle area.  Very few. ....almost none......and not often......and high, very high bids.....for horrible units......yeah......don't bother......try.....Tacoma....olympia......real good ones there!   Reeeeal good.      Now go, newbie..... Outa Seattle!.....  GO!    >:( 

Now that's funny...

sounds shady
theres more than one crooked facility on the island

" plane!!....."

Sorry, you kind of lost me too.....but as long as you bid on only what you see, or are willing to live with any "risk" you take, you should be OK.  If it looks and sounds shady........RUN!!

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