Storage Auctions

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Messages - parksleyman

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Craigslist / Texting late at night.
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:15:37 AM »
I placed a small dirt bike on CL last week, and it seems that the only thing I get is texting.  I can handle the texting, but when it is after midnight does these people sleep?  Well, I got a text at 12:10 in the morning.  Just so happened that I'm working all night, gave me someone to talk to.  It was some young kid bored, being a pain.  I got the pleasure to text him all night long.  He was not a bad kid just being stupid.

Picker's Paradise / Re: Has anyone made any good picks lately?
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:04:56 AM »
Well this is not like a new pick but and old pick new.  Back in year 2003 I was working for he military up in Michigan and one day we were driving along and someone was giving away a riding lawn mower for free.  Well we picked it up and took it home and it looked old, but the motor looked great and ran great.  After finding out the transmission had a big hole in it i decided to keep the motor and trash the rest.  No heart in throwing away a good motor, we mover from Michigan to Virginia in 2004 and kept it.  The thing sat in the shed since then until yesterday.  4 years ago we went to Lowes and bought a $1600.00 Husqvarna riding mower and discovered that the stupid Koler motors developed a cracked block and would lose all the oil. My idea was to place this 1995 Briggs and Stratton motor on this 2009 Husqvarna.  The thing bolted right into position and after a shot of starting fluid she fired right up.  The muffler even bolted up in the right position.   I then got to tell the wife, see honey pack ratting does pay off..... saved me 600 bucks for a new motor.... yea...

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: The cost to bid
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:55:21 PM »
I bought a Mexican unit a while back.  It turned out that the clothes were to short, toy cars were lowered and everything was,in Spanish, but he bad thing was that everything kept running away.   LOL..   

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: Am I "Gun Shy" or...
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:15:09 AM »
My wife came up withthe idea why the prices for units are so high right now.   Income Tax checks,  while some people get them others got to pay...

The Treasure Chest / Re: Unexpected Finds
« on: March 07, 2013, 07:27:43 AM »
Cool, good for you.  The erector set is a good $100 bill around here.  I know I can't waite until spring comes, co I can get rid of all the yardsale stuff. 

I,m sorry I had bibles on my mind, was a little smoky when I commented ....

I donate them to the local church.

I must say I have no Idea, with that over with.   I do like the one "so a seal can cash a check."

General Storage Auction Talk / Re: The cost to bid
« on: March 02, 2013, 09:00:27 PM »
Maybe it was just a crappy day.  I carry very little cash and some of the places that we go to will not take cash, most will always take the card.  At this place I kinda felt that the units were going to be trash anyhow, in the middle of the getto.  Live and learn. 

General Storage Auction Talk / The cost to bid
« on: March 01, 2013, 03:37:29 AM »
It might just be me in a bad mood and/or after driving 50 miles to go to two auctions.  I don't mind the driving, because that is just because where we live. But, but when you get there there is over 100 people that showed up.  Well after the bidding started a trash unit went for $240.  I had just enought time to make it to the other place and sign.  They wanted my name and phone number, well that's normal.  Then they a copy of my drivers  license, i didn't like that to much, but ok.  Next, they wanted $50 deposit just to bid.  Somewhere in my little mind, I said the heck with it and just went home.  If i have to give a $50 deposit just to bid, forget it. 

Stores / Re: Booth space versus full store - I bit the bullet
« on: February 21, 2013, 07:46:59 PM »
So yes you have to pay taxes, but keep good records and you can deduct all your expenses.  That might be the way to go for me.  Flea markets and yard sales you almost have to give the stuff away, bigger ticket items don't do good on eBay.  My wife loves going to those shops,and for what I notices their prices a higher then normal.  Thanks for the info....

Stores / Re: Booth space versus full store - I bit the bullet
« on: February 17, 2013, 07:54:28 PM »
What about taxes?  Federal and state?  I already pay enought taxes from my real job and don't want to get taxed anymore.  Is the income form the sales in one of the vender stores taxed as income???

Just paided $350 for a 10x10...
another dude paided $1600.00 for a 10x25 fully packed....
the low price for the day was $40.00...

eBay / The price, is it right?
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:06:26 PM »
I been selling on Ebay for some time now, but not really making a killing.  More like just a poke here and there.  my question is....  drum roll please......  How do you deside on a good starting price????

Craigslist / Thank you Craigslist.....
« on: February 11, 2013, 03:02:49 PM »
The wife sold an old crappy outside table and chairs today for 50 buck,  she didn't even include the umbrella.  LOL
Last summer I was so tired of moving that thing around just to cut the grass.  Thank you Craigslist.....  :-*

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