« on: January 12, 2012, 09:08:28 PM »
If you get into selling jewelry or scrap gold/silver/platinum here's my two cents on finding honest buyers.....
I first took my friends wife's engagement ring. She had all the insurance papers and appraisals. Both insured value and retail. Also separate appraisal on "true value". Listed gold content/quality. Jem weight, size, cut, clarity.....
I shopped it around to jewelry stores and pawn shops. Found almost all gave WAY low offers. Either totally lied or didn't know what they were talking about. Couple "showed me" bad coloring by holding it up to the light, but had already been told this trick. (they have bad lighting they hold it up to).
Others "tested" the gold and said it was plated....
Anyway, I was able to shorten the list. I can't saw the couple shops I use are total legit or not underpricing me. But they are consistent with each other (take piece's to all three and get approximately same info and price)
Plus they appraise my stuff for free even if they know I'm going to toss it on eBay and not sell to them.
Highly recommend doing similar tactic. Though remember, they have to by low. They have to eat too!
I have no problem selling a $700 Tiffany's braclet for $150 since I know they are going to have to sit on it for a long time and then get $300?
And watch the resale value vs. Scrap value! Sold a few pieces thinking resale and later did the metal weight value and kicked myself! Live and learn.